Muslims & the Iberian Peninsula
Al-Andalus Organization
Life in Al-Andalus
Society in Al-Andalus
The coexistence of 3 religions

What is the name of the battle in 711 in which the Muslims defeated the Visigoths? 

The Battle of Guadalete



Which city did the Muslims establish as their capital? 

p. 70



Most of the population in Al-Andalus was dedicated to agriculture.

Where were the most common crops on the Iberian Peninsula? 

- Cereals

- Vines

- Olives


Describe Non-Muslims who lived in Al-Andalus.

What religions were they? 

p. 74

- Christians (descendants of the Visgoths who continued to practice Christianity)

- Jews (a minority dedicated to trade and craftwork)


Why is Toledo often called "the city of three cultures" ?

p. 75

It is called the city of three cultures because during the Middle Ages, Muslims, Christians, and Jews all lived together there. 


What are the two main reasons why the Muslims came to the Iberian Peninsula?

p. 69

- The Visigoths were in a civil war, and a possible successor named Agila asked the Muslims for help. The Muslims sent troops to the peninsula to help beat Agila's opponent.

- The Muslims wanted to expand their territory.


Name the three types of political organisations that evolved in Al-Andalus. 

- Dependent emirate

- Independent emirate

- Caliphate


Describe the types of irrigation innovations the Muslims introduced to the the region.

(Describe los tipos de innovaciones de riego que los musulmanes introdujeron en la región.) 

Muslims dug wells and irrigation ditches and built waterwheels.

They expanded irrigation to many areas leading to an increase in agricultural productivity. 


Name the three main groups of Muslims.

- Arabs

- Berbers

- Muladies


Which two types of religious people lived in the same neighborhoods and shared public spaces during this time period in Al-Andalus?

Muslims and Christians 


How may years did it take the Muslims to occupy almost the entire territory of the Iberian Peninsula? 

pg. 69

Just seven years

Who proclaimed himself Caliph of the Caliphate of Cordoba in 929? 

p. 70 

Abd al-Rahman III


What types of new crops (cultivos) did the Muslims bring to Al-Andalus? 

They brought rice, sugar cane, and cotton. 


Who were the Muladies?

They were Christians who converted to Islam. They  adopted the religion, the language, and the Muslim customs. 


Describe the social group Mozárabes.

Who were they?

The Mozárabes were Jews and Christians who adopted certain aspects of Arab culture, such as their language and customs,  but continued practicing their own religion. 


Why were the Muslims able to conquer the territory so quickly? 


They conquered quickly because the Visigothic Kingdom was eweak and there was little opposition from the population. 


When Christians advanced on the Muslim territory, who did the Muslims ask for help?

The Almoravids (a North African Muslim dynasty)


Give some examples of Muslim craftwork. 

p. 72

Pottery, leatherwork, goldsmithing, and weaponry. 

(Cerámica, marroquinería, orfebrería y armas)


Al-Andalus was a patriachral society. 

(Al-Andalus era una sociedad patriarchal.)

Describe the lives of the women in Al-Andalus. 

(Describe la vida de las mujeres en Al-Andalus.)

- The women were only allowed to leave the house for prayer to to visit the baths. 

- They recieved beauty treatments at the baths to stay attractive for their husbands. 

- They lived in the same house as their husband's other wives and shared responsibility for caring for and educating the children even if the children weren't their own. 


What two groups came to Al-Andalus after the 11th century?

Clue: They practiced a stricter form of Islam

The Almoravids and the Almohads