
There are 21 pandas that were born last year and 16 pandas that were born this year. How many more pandas were born last year?

5 pandas


There are 93 dinosaurs flying in the sky and 64 dinosaurs walking on the ground. How many more dinosaurs are flying in the sky?

29 more dinosaurs


Peter is saving up to buy a toy dinosaur that costs $10. He has saved $6 so far. The next day, his uncle gives him $2. How much more money does Pete need to save?



There are 49 pandas in the forest on Monday. 16 more pandas join on Tuesday and 12 pandas leave on Wednesday. How many pandas are in the forest now?

53 pandas


We are trying to guess how many teeth a T-rex had. I guessed 74 and Tony guessed 123. How many more teeth does Tony think a T-rex had?

49 more teeth


Amber goes to the grocery store and buys pasta for $5, a can of sauce for $6, and soda for $4. How much money did Amber spend in total?



There are two Pandas at the zoo named Amy and Bob. Amy ate 141 pounds of bamboo and Bob ate 126 pounds of bamboo on Monday. How many fewer pounds of bamboo did Bob eat?

15 fewer pounds of bamboo


There are 61 giant leaves on one tree and 41 giant leaves on another tree. Then the Stegosaurus ate 19 leaves off of the trees. How many leaves are left?

83 leaves


Nicolas has $20. He goes to the gas station and spends $15 on gas. He also buys a drink for $2. How much money does Nicolas have left?



An adult panda can eat 138 pounds of bamboo on Monday, 121 pounds of bamboo Tuesday, and 134 pounds of bamboo on Wednesday. How many pounds of bamboo did the panda eat in total?

393 pounds of bamboo


A Stegosaurus laid 36 eggs on Saturday and 54 eggs on Sunday. Then a T-Rex ate 49 of the eggs. How many eggs are left?

41 eggs


Jacob has $100 in his wallet. He spends $37 on a video game and $26 dollars on a Lego set. How much money does Jacob have left?



There are 87 pandas that near Charlie. 41 pandas are males. How many pandas are females?

46 pandas


A T-rex had 200 bones. We found the 127 bones of a T-rex on Monday and 15 on Tuesday. How many more bones do we need to search for?

58 bones


Amy bought gifts for her younger sisters. She bought her youngest sister a dress that costs $45. She bought her other sister a game that costs $27. Now Amy has $4 left. How much money did Amy have at first?
