Science Mix

These two MIT graduate students developed a graphical technique for describing binary distillation now taught in almost every distillation course.

Who are McCabe and Thiele?


When a part of a process stream is fed forward into a later stage of the process, the stream is said to be this.

What is bypassed/bypass stream?


This compound is commonly known as laughing gas.

What is Nitrous oxide?


In the series "Panchayat", the protagonist, Abhishek, initially moves to this fictional village in Uttar Pradesh for his job, which significantly impacts the story's development.

What is Phulera?


This string instrument used in Indian Classical Music, provides a harmonic drone that supports the main melody.

What is Tanpura/Tambura?


This is the common term referring to fatty acid methyl esters that are used to fuel compression-ignition engines.

What is biodiesel?


This gas, which leaked from Union Carbide India Ltd., in Bhopal 1984, was responsible was responsible for the majority of fatalities.

What is Methyl isocyanate?


Sodium tetraborate decahydrate is commonly known as ________.

What is borax?


Headquarters of the UN judicial body, The International Court of Justice, is this place.

What is The Hague?


In the electromagnetic spectrum, these types of waves have the longest wavelength.

What are Radio waves?


Derived from the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship, this equation describes the relation between vapor pressure and temperature for pure components.

What is the Antoine equation?


This theorem states that "In an inviscid, barotropic flow with conservative body forces, the circulation around a closed curve moving with the fluid remains constant with time."

What is Kelvin's Circulation Theorem?


What is the name of the beams of matter and energy that spew forth a black hole?

What are quasars?


This British civil servant, often called "Father of the Indian National Congress", was instrumental in its founding in 1885. 

Who is Allan Octavian Hume?


This technique allows for the targeted insertion/deletion of genes in the bacterial genome using a specialized RNA-guided DNA endonuclease. 

What is CRISPR-Cas9?

This thermodynamic function is the partial derivative of internal energy w.r.t. volume at constant entropy. 

What is Pressure?


This refers to a mild thermal cracking process applied to reduce the viscosity of VDR to produce fuel oil and some light products to increase the distillate yield in a refinery.

What is Visbreaking process?


Morphine is treated with this organic compound to create heroin.

What is acetic anhydride?


This is Europe's second longest river,  and flows through 10 countries, including Germany, Austria and Hungary.

What is the Danube?


The absence of molecular oxygen in living tissue cells used to indicate the reduction of the oxygen content of the blood below physiological levels. 

What is Anoxia?


A vertical line used in a liquid–vapour phase diagram for two substances. The line corresponds to constant composition as the pressure changes. This is perpendicular to a tie line. 

What is an Isopleth?


A process used to selectively adsorb one or more components in a gas mixture under pressure onto a porous solid surface and then to release them again under reduced pressure. It is used in the separation of gases from mixtures such as the absorption of nitrogen from air onto a zeolite. 

What is Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSW)?


This powerful carbon-carbon bond forming reaction involves coupling of an aldehyde/ketone with a phosphonium ylide.

What is Wittig reaction?


This treaty, signed in 1774, marked a significant turning point in the relationship between the British East India Company and the Maratha Empire, leading to the establishment of British dominance in India.

What is the Treaty of Surat?


This Indian hockey player, widely regarded as one of the greatest forwards in the history of the sport, captained the Indian team to victory in the 1975 Men's Hockey World Cup.

Who is Ajit Pal Singh?