What is the acronym to remember the 4 factors leading to WWI? What does it stand for?
What was "The Black Hand" and its goal?
Key things about Gavril Princip?
-Secret Serbian-led terrorist gang, Col Apis leader, wants to recreate greater Serbia by getting Bosnia from the Austro-Hungarian empire. Need to stir up trouble in Bosnia
-19 years old, dying of Tuberculosis, lived in poverty in Bosnia, siblings died and has high taxes, wants to spur rebellion for Serbian Nationalism, wants to be a martyr
How did the two alliances change?
-Triple Alliance: Germany, AH, Italy --->
Central Powers: G, AH, Ottoman Empire
-Triple Entente: France, Britain, Russia --->
Ally Powers: F, B, R, Italy, Serbia
Why did several states, outside Europe, join the war later? What 2 key nations, why, and which side?
-Joined for own interest
-Ottoman (Empire) Turks: allied w/ Germans to hopefully get their tech, hoping to revive empire; joined Central Powers
-Japan: wanted to grow their empire, Germans were blocking them bc G had islands in the Pacific; joined Ally Powers
What did combatant nations take control of and commit to winning the war?
2 examples of this?
*Germany and Britain were the primary nations doing these things*
-the economy
-Rationing: citizens were given mandatory limits on various goods (milk, meat, flour, sugar, etc) ( x amount of thing per person)
-War Production: factories, previously used for textiles, cars etc, now produce ammo, guns, anything to win war, NOT for profit!
European nations ____ their military power and were prepared for what?
What are 2 examples showing they were prepared
- prepared to fight a war
-Arms Race; competition between nations to build weapons, more and more advanced, Britain and Germany top military wise; Conscription, men above a certain age forced to fight
Why was the Archduke in Bosnia + who is he?
Why did Col Apis need the Archduke dead?
-heir to the throne, wanted to go where he was resented to show he would rule w/ respect + fix problems in Bosnia, doesn't want rebellion
-so revolution could happen; if Archduke was in power Bosina would be pacified so no rebellion
What was the Schlicffen Plan?
Where did Germany invade Aug 1914? Who jumps in?
Where was Germany's attack halted Sept 1914?
-Germany's master, super detailed, long developed, plan to avoid a prolonged two-front war; Step 1 is to take on France, seen as weak from being beaten before, Step 2 take on Russia, they're big but slow
-Belgium, (Neutral), to go around French defences, but Britain jumps in bc of this to help F+Belgium
-Marne River, just outside Paris
3 key colonial subjects that joined to fight for their Mother Country?
What happened on the first Christmas (1914)?
-ANZAC: Australia, New Zealand, Army Corps
*all for Britain!*
-Soldiers on both sides of the Western Front came together to celebrate (not everywhere, but some areas) Leaders saw this and said "never again! no more truce >:( "
How did combatant nations treat their people? 2 examples?
*Germany and Britain were the primary nations doing these things*
-Took control of society and shaped the public opinion on the war
-Censorship: soldiers letters were censored, couldn't have soldier life look bad, censored to make country look better and strong
-Propaganda: info/media produced w/ the purpose of shaping public opinion, what ppl think about the war. Can be encouraging all men to fight, "you have to participate to not dissapoint your kids!", "what will happen if Germany wins??"
What did European nations form and why?
What were the two main alliances?
reference the packet for info about the pros and cons of the alliances
-Mutual defense alliances, to maintain the balance of power
-Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria, Hungary, Itay
-Triple Entente: Britain, France, Russia
What did the assassins have with them to execute the plan?
*Archduke married to non-royalty, out in public with her because it's their anniversary or something*
What were some poor decisions on the Archduke's side that helped the assassins?
-Pistols, grenades, and cyanide to kill themselves before being caught. Serbia doesn't want the assassination to be linked back to it.
-Open car, few policemen, and no army publicized route
What was the Stalemate on the Western Front? (describe what both sides created, what for, any specific land names, and stationary defenses)
-Trench networks were made to provide cover and defence for positions; dug-out: dig deep to hide, also where lived, rats and mice, awful conditions; area between opp sides = "No Man's Land", was challenging to cross; barbred wire slows down
Describe the key battle, saying β where β‘ who β’ why+what β£ wins?
π½ππ©π©π‘π π€π πππ§ππͺπ£
π½ππ©π©π‘π π€π ππ€π’π’π
π½ππ©π©π‘π π€π πππ§ππͺπ£: β Western Front, @ the city Verdun β‘Germans were attacking France β’G. targeting fortress City Verdun, its location is strategic and attacks French pride. G want to crush army b4 got strong w/ britain in 5 days, G capture a fort, but stop follwing the original plan. F's commanders keep switiching, able to sustain battle bc of "Voie Sacree". Battle ends bc of winter weather. Both side lost thousands β£French technically win, keep their city, G lose ton of manpower and failed plan BLOODIEST BATTLE and LONGEST battle in modern milt. history
π½ππ©π©π‘π π€π ππ€π’π’π: β Western Front, @ River Somme area β‘Britain was helping France by playing offense + attacking G/ distracting from Verdun β’F+B already planned attacks in Somme area, G pressure @ Verdun made action more urgent. B took action, did some bombarment for a week, but didn't quickly breakthrough G forces. Deadlock battle. over 100+ days, B advance only 7 miles, 1 mil causalties in 1 month, 1st day bloodiest day in British History β£technically ally victory, G ended up retreating, very pointless battle
When most men left, where did women replace them?
Did any women go to war? If yes, where could they be seen?
How did some nations use women? 2 examples
-On the farms, factories, women were feeding and producing
-Yes, served on the frontlines in medical profession (could also be operating phones, being drivers)
-Use Women to humiliate men that were not fighting the war
-White feather movement: Britain/UK, women would give white feathers to able-bodied men in the streets to shame them for not fighting
-Women's Battalion of Death: Russia, had a whole women Battalion to make men feel like they have to fight too
What did Imperialism increase in Europe?
How did Imperialism play a role during WWI?
-Competition for overseas colonies increased tension in Europe
-Overseas colonies provided soldiers and supplies
Why did the assassination initially fail?
What happened in the end?
-The first guy did nothing, and the second guy forgot about the 10-second delay of the grenade and failed to commit suicide
-the car made a wrong turn, right to the deli that Princip came out of, Princip shot Archduke in the neck and his wife in her pregnant stomach; Assasins where either hanged or sent to prison, Serbia's involvement was revealed; Germany jumped in w/ AH, Russia jumps in w/o official Serbia alliance, France jumps in, Britain and Italy do not initially
What did improvments in firearms lead to? 3 key weapons developed?
-Led to massive amounts of casualties
-Sniper rifle: long ranged, has scope; Machine guns: 500-600 bullets/min, now smaller +power +speed, 2 ppl to use; Artillary: @ back of trenches, constantly fired, big boom
Describe the key battle, saying β where β‘ who β’ why+what β£ wins?
π½ππ©π©π‘π π€π π πͺπ©π‘ππ£π
πππ πππ‘π‘ππ₯π€π‘π πΎππ’π₯ππππ£
π½ππ©π©π‘π π€π π πͺπ©π‘ππ£π: β North Sea β‘Germans vs. British (Germans attacking first) β’G. hoped to weaken B. Navy, wanted to launch an ambush. But, B. was warned ahead of time of ambush by code breakers so was prepared and sent both fleets early. Battle was confused and bloody. G. ended up being outgunned and headed home. β£Both sides lost people and ships (dreadnoughts), B. won since they confirmed their dominance, (and implemented maritime blockade)
πππ πππ‘π‘ππ₯π€π‘π πΎππ’π₯ππππ£: β Gallipoli Peninsula (Ottoman Turkey)(Southern Europe) β‘British Empire w/ ANZAC attacking Ottomans β’ Part of plan to capture Constantinople/ Istanbul and ultimately defeat OT and knock out of war. Success in this would have weakened the Central Powers. B and ANZAC made landings on the peninsula, but neither was able to advance. Trench warfare happened, very intense w/casualties. Tried another assault, also ended up in stalemate. β£Ended up with B. + ANZAC forces leaving (Allies lost); was a brief break in OT empire decline
What did European nations do using nationalism?
How did ENs do this?
How did citizens feel about the declared war?
-Encouraged people to take pride in their nation and hate rivals
-National anthems, flags, education, and history in school
-Enthusiastic, believed they would be on the winning side
What were aircrafts used for? What were 2 types of poison gas + who developed + who used 1st?
What were tanks used for?
-To break stalemate
-Aircraft: main use for spying, gathering info about soldier count, tanks, etc.
-Chlorine gas: attacks lungs, use mask to defend; Mustard gas, attack skin (blisters+peeling); Germans were first to develop, but the french were first to use
-Britain first developed tanks, used as a mobile shield to cross w/ safety
WWI warfare. Be able to describe/ understand what:
-life was like in the trenches
-Flametrooper/ flame thrower trooper was
-what a Creeping Barrage was
-what were Zeppelins
-what were dreadnoughts
-what was chlorine Gas
-Life was horrible in the trenches. The dug-out trenches were narrow, smelly, and filled with rodents. Disease and trauma were common.
-Flametropper: The flamethrower was created by Germany because of stalemate. Firefighters were picked to use them. There was a larger version for within-trench use and a smaller, more mobile version. Flametroppers were successful, they were scary but became targeted for that.
-Creeping Barrage/ rolling barrage is a military tactic. Gradual artillery fire to provide cover for infantry to get into enemy trenches. First use by British, Bulgarians created! It was used in the Battle of Somme. I had to coordinate and plan, though, was risky and could end up bad.
-Zeppelins: German gov't funded and used. Big hydrogen-filled gas bags in huge steel skeletons. Used for bombing by Germany. Were easy targets, but G continued to use, until other got even better at taking them down.
-Dreadnoughts were a new, revolutionary type of warship. They had very good guns. Very big. Britain used. Even though Naval engagements were rare in WWI, B used these when they occurred.
-Chlorine Gas: type of poison gas. Used in trench warfare. Germans used it against the French. Attacked respiratory system, slow death. Later, gas shills were used. Gas masks to protect against this.