A Block
What is a prop used to make yoga accessible?
Virabhadrasana I
What is the Sankscrit for Warrior I?
Root Chakra
What chakra is responsible for your sense of safety?
Anamaya Kosha
Which energetic sheath corresponds to the physical body?
Pelvic Flexion
What movement results in bringing the femur closer to the body?
A Bolster
What is a prop used to support the body in restorative yoga?
Virabhadrasana II
What is the Sanskrit Name for Warrior II?
Third Eye
What chakra is responsible for inner knowing?
Pranamaya Kosha
Which energetic sheath corresponds to the energetic body?
Pelvic Extension
What movement is occurring in the pelvis in mountain pose?
A Strap
What is the Sanskrit name for child's pose?
Sacral Chakra
What chakra is responsible for creativity?
Manomaya Kosha
Which energetic sheath corresponds to the mental body?
External Rotation of the Shoulders
What movement supports shoulder integration in downward-facing dog?
To Make Yoga Accessible
What is the main reason we use props?
Surya Namaskara
What is the Sanskrit name for sun salutations?
Celiac Plexus
What plexus corresponds to the solar plexus?
Vijanamaya Kosha
Which energetic sheath corresponds to the intellectual body?
The Psoas
What hip flexor attaches to the lumbar spine?
Adjust Your Stance
What is the best way to make standing asana more accessible?
What is the Sanskrit name for pyramid pose?
Balanced Chakras
What is the result of reducing your limiting beliefs?
Anandamaya Kosha
Which energetic sheath corresponds to the Soul?
Spinal Extension
What movement occurs in the spine when we are in back bends?