2000's Election
War on Terror
Financial Crisis of 2008
Obama's Presidency

In the election of 2000, the state where the outcome of the voting became most confused due to ballots and counting methods was



Al-Qaeda is best described as what?

Radical Islamic Terrorist Group


What is true about Saddam Hussein?

He was determined to establish an extremist Islamic government in Iran.


What was 1 initial cause of the financial meltdown in 2007-08?

Low interest rates and excessive lending by banks.


Barack Obama tried to address the nation's economic crisis by doing which of the following?

Introducing a stimulus package


In the presidential election of 2000, who won the popular vote?

Al Gore


Which of the following events did NOT take place on September 11, 2001?

A. Bush promised we would pursue the nation that committed the terrorist acts.

B. The Mayor of New York evacuated Lower Manhatton

President Bush promised we would pursue the nation that committed the terrorist acts.


What is a long lasting effect of the 9/11 attacks on the American people?


Increased airport security, homeland security strengthened, and war on terror began.


What was 1 initial cause of the financial meltdown in 2007-08?

Irresponsible spending


The 21st century economy has been defined by

Globalization, automation, and the outsource of jobs.


The Supreme Court's decision on the presidential election of 2000 did what?

Immediately stopped the recounts, which allowed Bush to win the electoral college.


What theme was expressed by both President Roosevelt (after Pearl Harbor) and President Bush (after 9/11)?

America was targeted because of who we are and what we represent.These were moments in history that would never be forgotten.We would seek both justice and peace. 


Operation Iraqi Freedom was designed to do what?

Bring down Saddam Hussein and find weapons of mass destruction


What was Bush's response to the Financial Crisis of 2008?

He bailed out major financial institutions under the Troubled Assets Relief Program.


What is the Patriot Act?

The U.S. government could wiretap your electronic devices without a warrant.


The 14th Amendment was used in Bush’s argument before the Supreme Court for what reason?

The 14th Amendment guarantees equal protection under the law and all votes of citizens were not being protected due to the inconsistent/different methods of vote counting.  

What is a reason that terrorists target the United States?

The support the U.S has historically given to Middle Eastern dictators. Competition for natural resources of Muslim countries. Different values and standards of morality


What President identified an “Axis of Evil” and what countries was he referring to?

Bush: North Korea, Iran, and Iraq


Why did the “housing bubble” burst?

Housing loans were being given to people who could not afford them; then housing prices began to lose value


What did the Supreme Court decide concerning Obamacare?

the federal government can require citizens to purchase health care under to Congress' power to tax


The disputed election of 2000 between Al Gore and George W. Bush was the first election:

To be decided by the Supreme Court


Why did Al-Qaeda’s formation (beginnings) under the leadership of Osama bin Laden start?

The Soviet war in Afghanistan


The Bush Doctrine can best be summarized as:

America should strike at both terrorists and the nations that harbored them, and use our military might to spread democracy and freedom.


What best explains why Saddam Hussein did not allow the United Nations to prove Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction?

He did not want to appear weak to other countries


President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, what best explains why he received this honor?

President Obama worked diplomatically to strengthen international relationships and prevent future wars between other nations.