This Right at School game is called Land, Boat, _____?
What is water
How do you soar in the hallway? (Entire group has to get up and show us)
What is standing one behind the other, voice off, walking quietly.
Do one tiktok dance.
Ms. Daydra is the judge for this one.
What do we do on Fridays?
What is Movie day
Name a current Right at School teacher.
What is Mr. Jay, Ms. Daydra, Ms. Wells, Mrs. Cook
During this freeze game, you can cough
What is Statues
What is the rule for using the restroom?
What is everyone goes
As Mrs. Wells says, one look bad ____
What is We all look bad
If we are not in the cafeteria we are in ______
What is the media center
How long has playground equipment use been prohibited (not allowed)?
What is two years
A new game based on Toy story.
What is Andy's coming
During a fire drill, do we wait for the teacher before exiting the building?
What is No
What is Mr. Jay's favorite hobby/dream job?
What is Race car driver.
Can you use your own book during reading time?
What is yes
Name one new addition to our schedule
What is Reading or Language adventure
All students walk on a line while one or more taggers walk behind them. If the tagger taps you, you are out.
What is Pac-Man
If you come to right at school late, you must bring____
What is an excuse note
An item that is soft, messy, and dries out quickly.
What is playdough
List our daily schedule.
What is Check-in, Restroom, Snack, Town Hall, Language adventure, Right moves, Reading, Play right fitness and Choice play.
Name 6 CURRENT Right-at-school veterans who have attended the program since it began in 2021.
What is Malia, Hendrix, Ava, Henry, Elijah, Andrew, Brielle, Gio
Each player draws one line. Once a box is formed the player puts their name in it. Repeat until the game is over. (New game)
What is dots and boxes.
Beyonce is knocking on the door. She has a visitor tag. Can we let her in? (She wants to give everyone 500 dollars)
What is NO!
List a teacher's birthday month.
What is February, April, or July
What items are not allowed during snack
what is nuts,seafood, color drinks, or soda.
Who was the first PROGRAM Manager at Right at School?
What is Ms. Deja