Topic & Main Idea
Making Inferences
Tone & Mood
Supporting Details
Purpose & Style
Which is the topic and which is the main idea? 1. There are many reasons why students succeed in school. 2. Identifying reasons behind student success
1. Main idea 2. Topic sentence
What does it mean to "make an inference?"
Draw a conclusion or Make a judgment
Which of the following words is not like the others? critical, complaining, confident, confusing
Confident is a positive mood/tone and the other words are negative.
What do minor supporting details develop or explain?
major supporting details
Which two styles of writing are usually used for the purpose of entertaining?
narrative and descriptive
200 Look at the photo and decide which topic is too broad, too specific, and correct. 1. 50% of teens prefer rap music. 2. Music preferences of teenagers 3. Teenagers and music
1. too specific 2. correct 3. too broad
Look at this photo: Which of the following can you NOT infer? a. The drivers are not seriously injured. b. The pink car belongs to the woman. c. The accident took place at an intersection.
b. The pink car belongs to the woman.
Use "hopeful," "critical," and "factual" correctly in these sentences: 1. The author's tone is _____________. 2. My mood after reading this text is _____________.
1. hopeful, critical, factual 2. Trick question: You can't feel factual!!!
Match the supporting detail with the correct category: 1. statistic 2. explanation 3. example 1. All of my friends do not get enough sleep. 2. 85% of teenagers do not get enough sleep. 3. Most teenagers do not sleep enough because they are too busy with homework and sports.
1. statistic: 85% of teenagers do not get enough sleep. 2. explanation: Most teenagers do not sleep enough because they are too busy with homework and sports. 3. example: All of my friends do not get enough sleep.
Which of the following tone/ mood words can be used to describe an expository text? (2 words) critical, persuasive, informative, disapproving, formal, bitter
informative and formal
Read the following text. What is the main idea? Is the main idea stated or unstated? The small country of Bhutan in the Himalayan mountains is over 1000 years old. In the past it was a poor country, but nowadays, it is becoming more popular with tourists. Medicine and health are improving and the average life expectancy increased by 10 years. In fact, the wealth of many poor people is increasing. Bhutan is no longer included in the list of the worlds poorest countries.
Main idea: Bhutan was once poor but it now becoming richer. Unstated
Nut and Aim are driving on a motorbike. Nut: I just read about a fatal motorbike accident and the driver was driving slower than we are! Aim: That's interesting (Aim continues to drive fast) What does Nut want?
Nut wants Aim to slow down.
Match the following vocabulary words to the correct meaning. 1. supportive 2. frustrated 3. concerned a. worried, troubled, or anxious b. providing encouragement or help c. irritation or annoyance at an inability to do something
1. supportive: providing encouragement or help 2. frustrated: irritation or annoyance at an inability to do something 3. concerned: worried, troubled, or anxious
Which of the following details does not support the main idea/topic sentence: Main idea: Drinking warm lemon water before bed can provide many health benefits. a. The vitamin C in lemons supports a healthy immune system. b. Warm water calms the digestive system before sleep. c. Not eating any food five hours before sleeping can help with weight loss. d. The acid in lemons acts as a detoxifying agent for the blood.
c. Food and weight loss are not mentioned in the main idea/ topic sentence.
1. What is the goal of an author who writes a persuasive text? 2. What is the goal of an author who writes an expository text?
1. The author wants the reader to agree with his/her opinion. 2. The author wants to give the readers greater knowledge about factual topics.
Identify the topic and main idea in the following text: A man left Liberia on September 19 to arrive in the United States. Four days later, the man began showing symptoms of ebola. The next evening, the patient was placed in isolation. On Tuesday, doctors in Dallas had confirmed that the patient had Ebola. Frieden said the patient is now “critically ill” and that the CDC is exploring “experimental Ebola treatments.”
Topic: Man with ebola in America Main Idea: There is a man in America who has ebola and is receiving treatment.
What can you infer about Aom's grade from the following story? When Pim got her test back, she looked very sad and asked Aom about her grade. Aom didn't want to show Pim, because she didn't want Pim to feel even worse.
Aom got a good grade on her test. Aom got a better grade than Pim did.
Which of the following cannot go together: 1. tone: pessimistic, mood: critical, purpose: to entertain, style: descriptive 2. tone: neutral, mood: worried, purpose: to inform, style: expository 3. tone: respectful, mood: admiring, purpose: to persuade, style: expository
3. If the purpose is to persuade, then the style has to be persuasive!!!
Which of the following is the topic, the main idea, the major supporting detail, and the minor supporting detail? a. Up to 75% of people living in tropical climates will have a serious bacterial infection, compared to 25% of people in living in cold climates. b. Infections and tropical climates c. Humid air and warm temperatures provide the perfect climate for bacteria and viruses to grow. d. The risk of infection is greater in tropical climates.
Topic: Infections and tropical climates Main Idea: The risk of infection is greater in tropical climates. Major Supporting Detail: Humid air and warm temperatures provide the perfect climate for bacteria to grow. Minor Supporting Detail: Up to 75% of people living in tropical climates will have a serious bacterial infection, compared to 25% of people in living in cold climates.
What is the style and purpose of the following passage: The biggest killer of American women is not cancer, as many people believe. The biggest killer of American women is heart disease. More women die from heart attacks than many forms of cancer. Many women do not know they are having a heart attack and don't go to a doctor. This only increases the chance of death.
Purpose: to inform Style: expository
Identify the topic, main idea, and purpose in the following text: The mayor of New York City recently signed into a law an order to raise the minimum payment for workers from $11.90 and $13.30 an hour. This much needed increase will help poor New Yorkers who work at minimum wage jobs. The mayor believes that this is an important step in lowering poverty. Poverty might not be fully solved, but this is an important step.
Topic: Increase in NYC minimum wage Main Idea: Increases in NYC minimum wage is an important step in solving poverty. Purpose: to persuade
Main Idea: Legalizing marijuana for medical purposes will increase abuse and magnify health risks. What can you infer about the author's opinion based on this main idea? What questions should you ask to find out about the credibility of the text?
The author has a negative opinion towards the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes. Where is the text from? What is the source of the text? Who wrote the text? Where did the author get his/her information from?
There are no dictionaries allowed during the English 201 midterm. What is the tone and mood?
Tone: informative Mood: terrified, scared, worried, anxious, excited
Find the topic sentence and a supporting detail in the text: The biggest killer of American women is not cancer, as many people believe. The biggest killer of American women is heart disease. More women die from heart attacks than many forms of cancer. Many women do not know they are having a heart attack and don't go to a doctor. This only increases the chance of death.
Topic Sentence: The biggest killer of American women is heart disease. Supporting detail: Many possible answers
1. Reasons that support the topic. Relevant or sufficient? 2. Enough reasons are given to fully support the opinion. Relevant or sufficient?
1. Relevant 2. Sufficient