What is the first SLO?
Goal 1: Rhetorical Awareness
Learn strategies for analyzing the audiences, purposes, and contexts of texts in order to strengthen reading and writing.
1D. Explain how and why a text’s audiences, purposes, and contexts influence rhetorical options.
1E. Adapt composing practices (including rhetorical choices) to a variety of audiences, purposes, and contexts.
How much is Project 2 worth of your final grade?
What is your required textbook?
There is none!
What is Project 1?
Annotated Bibliography
What is your professor's name?
What is the second SLO?
Goal 2: Critical Thinking and Composing
Use reading and writing for research, problem solving, critical thinking, action, and participation within and across different communities.
2C. Use a variety of research methods, including primary and/or secondary research, for purposes of inquiry.
2D. evaluate the quality, appropriateness, and credibility of sources.
2E. Synthesize research findings to develop arguments.
2F. compose persuasive researched arguments for various audiences and purposes, and in multiple modalities.
How much is Project 4 worth?
How many unexcused absences are you allowed?
When is Project 1 due?
September 17th (midnight)
What is the theme of this course?
The Rhetoric of Storytelling: Conspiracy Theories, Short Stories, Clashes of Popular Personas
What is the third SLO?
Goal 3: Conventions
Understand how purpose, audience, and context relate to genre conventions such as structure, style, design, usage, mechanics, and citation practices.
3C. Explain why genre conventions for structure, paragraphing, tone, and mechanics vary within and across genres.
3D. Identify and effectively use variations in genre conventions within and/or across genres, including formats and/or design features.
3E. demonstrate familiarity with the concepts of intellectual property (such as fair use and copyright) that motivate documentation conventions.
What are Supporting Assignments worth?
What is the late work policy?
You will lose 1 point for every day your assignment is late.
What is Project 4?
DIY Zine
What are your professor's office hours?
By appointment (official office hours TBD)
What is the fourth SLO?
Goal 4: Revision
Understand composing processes as flexible and collaborative, drawing upon multiple strategies.
4E. evaluate and act on peer and instructor feedback to revise their texts.
What is Attendance worth?
How soon after the due date can you expect your grade?
2-7 days
What is Project 5?
Reflective portfolio
What program is your professor in?
MFA Creative Writing - Fiction
What is the fifth SLO?
Goal 5: Reflection
Use meaningful, ongoing reflection to inform writing processes, foster the development of a writing identity, and think ahead to future writing situations.
5A. Narrate their processes and progress as writers throughout Foundations Writing courses.
5B. Recognize and articulate how their values, goals, and/or circumstances inform their choices as writers
5C. Assess how writing experiences and artifacts might influence future writing situations.
What is Project 3 worth?
How many projects do we have?
When is Project 2 due?
October 14 (midnight)
What is your professor's dog's name?