Life Science
Physical Science
Earth Science
Nature of Science
The seasonal movement of a species to a new area.
What is "migration?"
All of the following are forms of energy used by people EXCEPT -- A. light B. plant C. heat D. solar
What is "B. plant?"
Which of the following would probably change Earth's landforms slowly over a long period of time? A. Waves on a beach B. Hurricane C. Volcanic eruption D. Mudslide
What is "A. waves on a beach?"
An item you should wear to protect your eyes during an experiment using chemicals.
What is "safety goggles?"
This planet is closest to the sun.
What is "Mercury?"
Changes in an organism over time that help that organism to survive in a particular ecosystem.
What are "adaptations?"
By creating a closed circuit, an object that needs electricity to operate will work. An example of this would be light in a room. When the light is working, it creates a closed circuit. If the circuit is open, the light in the room --
What is "turns off?"
The surface of the Moon and Earth both have craters. Which statement below is true? A. The craters on Earth are much deeper than the craters on the Moon. B. The Moon does not have as many craters as Earth. C. The Moon has many more craters than Earth. D. The craters on Earth were cause by earthquakes.
What is "C. The Moon has many more craters than Earth?"
Karri designed an experminet to find out the effect of temperature on the evaporation of water. When she does this experiment she should change -- A. the amount of water in the cups B. the size of the water containers C. the temperature of the water D. the kind of cups that the water is in
What is "C. the temperature of the water?"
Which group would be considered carnivores? A. predators ONLY B. prey ONLY C. BOTH predator and prey D. NEITHER predator or prey
What is "C. BOTH predator and prey?"
A cactus has spines, or needle-like pins, that cover the plant in order to...
What is "protect itself?"
When light travels through the lens of a telescope it is --
What is "refracted?"
Which of the following resources is non-renewable? A. Oxygen B. Natural gas C. Soil D. Plants
What is "B. Natural gas?"
Nathan wants to know which part of a bar magnet is the strongest. When he does this experiment he should change -- A. the kind of magnet B. the objects being picked up C. the size of the magnet D. the part of the magnet being used to pick up objects
What is "D. the part of the magnet being used to pick up objects?"
Water is one of the main factors that change the Earth's surface. Moving water can weather, or break down, rock into smaller pieces and carry it away. All of the following are probably effects of moving water EXCEPT -- A. forming volcanoes B. making canyons C. forming cliffs at the edge of the ocean D. creating deltas at the end of rivers
What is "A. forming volcanoes?"
When an oil spill occurs in water, the water is polluted with large amounts of toxins. This will probably cause all of the following EXCEPT -- A. the organisms may perish (die) B. the organisms may become bigger C. the organisms may become ill D. the organisms may be covered in oil
What is "B. the organisms may become bigger?"
A mixture is a combination of different types of matter. The types of matter in the mixture still keep their won physical properties. Mixtures can also be separated back into the original substances that make up the mixture. All of the following are mixtures EXCEPT -- A. salt and pepper B. nuts, raisins, and M&M's C. iron filing and salt D. flour, oil, and eggs mixed and boiled together to make pasta
What is "D. flour, oil, and eggs mixed and boiled together to make pasta?"
Which of the following statements is true? A. The Moon and the Earth orbit the sun. B. The Sun orbits the Earth. C. The Earth orbits the Moon. D. The Sun orbits the Moon.
What is "A. The Moon and the Earth orbit the sun?"
Claire designed an experiment to find out if the sunlight would change the color of a newspaper. She should begin her investigation by first -- A. closing the curtain over the window B. moving the table away from the window C. turning off the lights in the room D. laying the newspaper where the sun's rays will hit it
What is "D. laying the newspaper where the sun's rays will hit it?"
The boiling point of water.
What is "100 C or 212 F?"
Every trait that an offspring inherits is determined by the genes of its parents. Genes contain DNA. Genes are on chromosomes. All of the following are traits that may be inherited from the parent EXCEPT -- A. eye color B. height C. skin color D. hairstyle
What is "D. hairstyle?"
A man is bowling at his neighborhood bowling alley. The bowling alley has lanes in which bowlers roll their balls down a long, narrow, wooden path trying to knock down ten large, white pins at the end. Why might the put wax on the wooden lanes? A. The wax reduces friction and makes it easier for the ball to roll. B. The was makes the lanes shiny. C. The was makes the lanes bumpy and harder to aim at the pins. D. The was makes the ball roll slower because it increases friction on the ball.
What is "A. the wax reduces friction and makes it easier for the ball to roll?"
Which of the following human activities might harm the carbon dioxide - oxygen cycle? A. People are excercising more. B. Farmers planting more trees. C. People planting trees when they cut trees down for lumber, or wood. D. People cutting down the rainforests around the world.
What is "D. People cutting down the rainforests around the world?"
Which of these is the best way to tell that a plant grows in the desert? A. The root system of the plant B. The size of the plant C. The number of leaves or spines D. The color of the plant
What is "A. The root system of the plant?"
Polar bears in Alaska have becom quite accustomed to people. They often forage, or look for food, in the garbage dump. This is an example of a --
What is "learned behavior?"