3. 我也想到中国去
5. 昨晚我只睡了四个小时
7. 我的网友
9. 我该怎么办?
What do these Chinese characters mean" 比如说“
For example
What does this Chinese character mean" 困“?
What this character mean in English " 这是我的网友“
This is my net friend.
How to say “wife” in Chinese?
妻子(qī zǐ) 太太 (tài tài)
How to say" give a phone call" in Chinese?
打电话 (dǎ diàn huà)
How to say " I want to go to Australia."
我 想 到 澳 大 利 亚 去。 wǒ xiǎng dào ào dà lì yà qù
What does this mean in English," 对不起,我忘了。“
Sorry I forgot.
How to say " please forgive me" in Chinese?
请 原 谅 我 (qǐng yuán liàng wǒ )
How to say" Recently, I've lots of homework."
zuì jìn ,wǒ yǒu hěn duō gōng kè 。 最 近, 我 有 很 多 功 课。
What are these Chinese characters mean "有时候“?
How to say it in Chinese"He visited lots of place in Beijing."
What does this sentence mean in English mǐ fàn hái shì miàn tiáo " 你要吃米 饭 还 是 面 条?”
Do you want to eat rice or noodles?
What this sentence mean in Chinese" 昨天晚上,我认识了一个网友。他是北京人。“
Last night, I met a net friend. He comes from Beijing.
How to say" Mr Zhang has got two daughters and one son."
zhāng xiān shēng yǐ jīng yǒu liǎng gè nǚ ér hé yī gè ér zǐ le 张 先 生 已 经 有 两 个 女儿 和 一个 儿子了
How to say" What should I do? in Chinese?
我该怎么办?(wǒ gāi zěn me bàn) ?
What does this sentence mean in English zhǎng gāo shòu 现在,他长 高了很多,也瘦了很多。
Now, he becomes much taller and slimmer.
What does this sentence mean in English, bié "别看电视了,我们马上要吃饭了。“
Stop watching TV, we're going to eat.
What does this sentence mean" bié wù huì ,wǒ shuō de dōu shì wǎng shàng lǚ yóu 。 别 误 会, 我 说 的 都 是 网 上 旅 游。
Don't misunderstand. What I say are all online traveling.
How to say this sentence in Chinese " After come back from China, his Chinese becomes more and more better."
从中国回来以后,他的汉语越来越好了.(cóng zhōng guó huí lái yǐ hòu ,tā de hàn yǔ yuè lái yuè hǎo le)
How to say this sentence in Chinese" Mei yun's Chinese is better than her sister's.
měi yún de hàn yǔ bǐ tā mèi mèi de hàn yǔ hǎo 。 美 云 的 汉 语比 她 妹 妹 的 汉 语 好。
What does this sentence mean jìn lái de shí hòu chà diǎn rèn bú chū lái 他进 来 的 时 候,我差 点 儿 认 不 出 来他了。 yǐ jīng 我们已 经一年多没有见面了。
When entered, I almost didn't recognize him. We haven't seen each other for more than a year.
What does this sentence mean zuò gōng kè zuò ránhòu 昨天晚上, 我做 功 课 做了3个小时,然后看电视看了2个小时。
Last night, I did 3 hours homework and watched 2 hours TV.
What does this sentence mean" suī rán hǎo xiàng yǐ jīng rèn shí hěn jiǔ le 虽 然我们是第一次见面,但是好 像 已 经 认 识 很 久了。
Although it is the first time we meet, it seems we have known each other for a long time.
How to say this sentence in Chinese " After back home, Mrs zhang still has to help her husband look after two kids."
回家以后,张太太还要帮助他先生照顾两个孩子。(huí jiā yǐ hòu ,zhāng tài tài hái yào bāng zhù tā xiān shēng zhào gù liǎng gè hái zǐ 。)
What does this sentence mean" 基督城(jī dū chéng) 的人口没有香港(xiāng gǎng )的人口多。“
The population in CHCH is less than in Hong Kong.