Let's Talk About It
Can you Trump this?
Buckets of Training
Building a K - 8 Team
Odds & Ends
Positive Behavior Systems
What are ways we recognize and celebrate student success?
(Show picture) Donald Clinton or Hillary Trump...
What is the name of our next president of the United States?
Epi Pen, Glucagon, Non-injectible meds, TripDirect, TieNet,
What are some of the training opportunities one can get out of the way on Sept. 2?
What should our plan be for using assemblies to bring our whole school together?
Staff Family Potluck, Sept. 2, 5:30 at Bryan and Stephanie's home.
What is I hope you can make it, and bring your family!
activity break! - ball toss name game find a partner, introduce yourselves and develop a unique greeting. Talk about your favorite day or week of this past summer.
How does this activity similar to what a child might experience in your classroom?
66% to 95% meeting Look at data more in-depth. Is learning at Franklin "visible"?
What is the percentage of Franklin students meeting the new SBA standards?
You will meet with this group Thursday morning and again during 3 early dismissal days during the school year. You sign up for your cohort by...
What is my PD cohort?
Buddy Classes Curriculum connection activities Mentoring Student Gov't Other ideas...
What are ways we can connect our elementary students with our middle school students?
Key and Peele Teacher Center video What teachers should be paid!
What is the value of each of us?
Homework - what is it good for? _____________
What is (y)our belief about the use of, the amount of, the importance of
He said, "Our society cannot afford a two-tiered system in which the affluent have access to superior education, while everyone else is subjected to a dull and incoherent classroom experience. Academic excellence, educational equity, and fairness demand a strong foundation of knowledge for all learners.”
Who is E. D. Hirsch, Jr.?
SRP or our new Standard Response Protocol - review Power Point
What is the latest school safety system 509j is implementing this year?
Activity time! Hop to it! Find a new partner, introduce yourselves and talk about - one goal you have for this school year. Circle up, shoulder to shoulder
How did it feel to not be successful at the simple task of hopping? Do students ever find themselves feeling like this in your classroom?
Taylor Mali video - What do Teachers Make?
What is our job?
A child new to Franklin for 2015-16: Parents didn't go to college; struggled in primary grades, didn't read a book until 5th grade; moved every year- sometimes twice in a school year; one older sibling dropped out of high school; Adults in his life abused alcohol; a female sibling may have been sexually abused by a family member.
How does Franklin School and Core Knowledge meet the needs of this child?
Grit Angela Duckworth TED talk Grit Scale
What is the most critical factor in student (and adult) success?
Activity time! 6 count (p. 66) Here's my wellness pitch!
What is How Franklin is going to present itself at the all District gathering on Wednesday morning?
Wild Card! Bring up any idea you have about building a strong K - 8 team at Franklin.
What is your best ideas!
“I've come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It's my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child's life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or de-humanized.” - Dr. Haim Ginott - Just be Nice article
What is a critical idea to always keep in mind in our work?
With a partner, talk about what this picture represents and how Franklin School is like and not like this picture. (show Equality-Equity pic from Desktop)
What is Franklin's role in 509j's Equity Initiative?
Show personal page on Snapfish.com
What is the "I am Franklin" campaign?
"Who dares to teach, must never cease to learn." John Cotton Dana
What is our interest in PD this year?
Article read and sharing in small groups. In Praise of the Ordinary Child Erasing Autism and A Moment of Pity... What if the Secret to Success is Failure? How Schools are handling an 'Over Parenting' Crisis
What are the implications at Franklin of the articles read?
One More Day - Des Moines School District video
What is the most amazing opening assembly a school district could have?