Heavy Metals Rock!
Say What?
Catch your Breath
Grab Bag
This chemical can cause severe respiratory tract, eye and skin burns if personnel are exposed to toxic levels. The ACGIH has set a TLV limit of 0.2mg/m3. OSHA has a TWA of 1.0 mg/m3 limit. It is used in the demineralizer to strip all metals off the resin beads and redeposit hydrogen ions onto the beads. At a minimum, this chemical is 93% pure.
What is sulfuric acid?
You won't find this heavy metal in Cadbury chocolate Easter eggs. This heavy metal can be found in batteries, pigments in paints, coatings and plastic products, electroplating, solder and also is a by-product of fossil fuel burning and cigarette smoke. Overexposure to this heavy metal can damage the respiratory, circulatory and digestive system. Acute exposure (a whole lot all at once) can trigger shills, weakness and flu-like symptoms. Chronic exposure (very little over a long period of time) can cause anemia.
What is cadmium?
If you have to raise your voice to be heard when the person you're trying to talk to is ____________ far away, you may be at risk for hearing loss.
What is an arm's length away.
TWO PART QUESTION 1. This type of test ___________ is required annually for all types of tight-fitting respirators including half-face APRs, full face APRs and SCBA masks. 2. Your respiratory protection coordinator, _______, is identified along with their contact information in your written site-specific respiratory protection program. The respiratory protection coordinator is responsible for the administration of the local respiratory protection program including: medical evaluations, fit testing, training and proper use and maintenance of respirators at your site.
What is a respiratory fit test? Who is Dianna Tomlinson?
BBP: This is the term for something that can be spread through contamination by blood and other body fluids. The most common examples are HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.
What is a bloodborne pathogen?
Exposure to this chemical at 25ppm for 8 hours a day or short-term at 35ppm would cause damage to the eyes and mucous membranes and irritate your upper respiratory tract. This chemical is located on the ground floor of the turbine building in a 55 gallon blue poly drum and is pumped 24/7 into the boiler water through a closed system. It is used to keep boiler pH above 9 because higher pH in boiler water is less corrosive to the boiler tubes.
What is aqueous ammonia? Ammonia is also an acceptable answer.
Don't eat the paint chips! This heavy metal is a poor conductor of electricity, it is resistant to corrosion, it is easily malleable and has a very low melting point. This element can be found in many places in the workplace including valve assemblies, structural components such as I-beams, paint on buildings or equipment (especially red primer), metal solders and welding materials and batteries and connectors. Overexposure to this element can affect all bodily systems.
What is lead?
All hearing protectors, ear plugs, ear muffs, etc., have an _____________ (NRR) printed on the packing. Properly fitted earplugs or ear muffs generally reduce noise about 15 to 30 decibels based on laboratory testing.
What is noise reduction rating?
These (LIST THREE OF THE FIVE) medical conditions may limit or prevent the use of respiratory protection devices. It is important to talk to the AEP Medical Director, Dr. Gregory Jewell, if you have any of these conditions prior to using a respiratory device.
What is asthma, pulmonary conditions, high blood pressure, heart conditions and claustrophobia?
In conjunction with a confined space permit, you are required to hang one of these on or near the entrance you used to enter a confined space. This item signals that you are inside and the door you entered through is not allowed to be shut. Flint Creek employees have white ones, RSO has red ones and contractors working at Flint Creek have blue ones.
What are ADE tags?
This element is extremely flammable with an NFPA fire rating of 4. This element is constantly supplied to and used to cool the generator. Historically speaking, this element used to be used to fill blimps because of it's extremely low vapor density (0.07 compared to air's VD of 1.0). It is the earth’s lightest element and can be manufactured easily and inexpensively, but its flammability (remember the Hindenburg Disaster?) makes it unacceptable for manned airship operations.
What is hydrogen?
This heavy metal is found in heavy duty paints and coatings, stainless steel and other metal alloys, electroplating and many welding rods. Overexposure to this heavy metal can negatively affect the respiratory and circulatory systems. Additionally, the skin can become irritated with repeated overexposure.
What is hexavalent chromium?
This policy includes requirements for noise exposure monitoring, audiometric testing, the use of protective devices like ear plugs and ear muffs, and employee education.
What is the Hearing Conservation Policy?
(SAME ANSWER) ________ under the respirator seal creates plenty of room for contaminants to enter the mask. For respirators that require a facial seal, _________ has the potential to break that seal and has been shown to increase facial seal leakage from 20 to 1000 times.
What is facial hair?
This bloodborne pathogen set of terms refers to the practice of avoiding contact with patients' bodily fluids, by means of the wearing of nonporous articles such as medical gloves, goggles, and face shields.
What are Universal Precautions?
We have this heavy metal in manometers, old thermostats and some types of light bulbs. Exposure above the TWA of 0.025mg/m3 can result in central nervous system damage and kidney damage. This heavy metal is liquid at room temperature. Historical significance: Mad hatter disease, or mad hatter syndrome, is a commonly used name for occupational chronic poisoning among hat makers whose felting work involved prolonged exposure to these vapors. Hat makers were called "crazy" but they weren't really crazy. Instead, because of their overexposure to this heavy metal it made them act strangely.
What is Mercury?
This heavy metal has many forms and can be found in fly ash and slag. Opportunity for employee exposure to this element is extremely low, and annual exposure monitoring at Flint Creek confirms no exposure events. Exposure routes for this heavy metal include dermal, inhalation and ingestion. The most recognizable outward sign of chronic overexposure to this heavy metal is warts.
What is arsenic?
Simultaneous use of earplugs and ear muffs adds an additional ________ decibels more protection than when using only one type of hearing protection. You should consider using a combination of ear plugs and ear muffs when noise exceeds 105 decibels.
What is 5 decibels?
Your health - even your life - could depend upon your respirator. Don't just toss it in a corner to collect dust until the next time you need it. A respirator must be well maintained to work correctly. Clean it regularly according to __________'s instructions, inspect it for damage and use/wear, and replace missing parts as needed.
What is manufacturer's?
Heat rash, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat collapse and heat stroke are progressively more severe results of heat stress. To avoid suffering any of the identified heat stress types, you should acclimatize at this rate.
What is five successive days with a 20% increase in exposure to heat each day?
Known to be a carcinogen at levels above the 0.025mg/m3 TWA, this element is a component of sand, stone, rock, concrete, brick, block, and mortar. It can also be found in coal. Over-exposures can lead to the development of disabling and sometimes fatal lung diseases like silicosis. While historical monitoring shows no over-exposures at Flint Creek, annual sampling re-verifies past negative exposure assessments and ensures no employees are being over-exposed.
What is silica?
Because of the potential health hazards associated with heavy metals, this agency has developed standards regarding them and acceptable exposure levels, employee notifications, engineering and workplace controls, respirators, PPE and hygiene practices.
What is OSHA?
TWO PART QUESTION!!! OSHA has established a permissible exposure limit of ___ decibels for an 8-hour day. OSHA has also established an action level (meaning a hearing conservation program must be instituted) for noise at ____ decibels. Hearing Conservation Programs include conducting noise exposure monitoring, performing audiometric testing on employees, providing hearing protection and conducting annual training.
What is 90 decibels and 85 decibels?
According to AEP policy, employees are not permitted to work in areas where the ambient air temperature exceeds ____ degrees Fahrenheit without being provided a COOL source of air to breath.
What is 150 degrees Fahrenheit
You need one of these if you create an opening at least 30 inches high and 18 inches wide, in any wall or partition, through which persons may fall, such as a yard-arm doorway or chute opening OR if you create an opening measuring 12 inches or more in its least dimension, in any floor, platform, pavement, or yard through which persons may fall, such as a hatchway, stair or ladder opening, pit, or manhole.
What is a Floor and Wall Opening Permit?