There's an App for That
Money Management
Health & Wellness
Which of the following should you not worry about blocking off time for in your calendar? Classes, appointments with your ILC, household tasks, bathroom breaks, time for friends and family
Bathroom breaks
This company provides free apps for email, a calendar, and document creation using cloud computing in addition to their search engine
What is Google
Fill in the blanks to complete the "magic formula" for successful money management: "________ < you ________"
"Spend < you Earn"
According to the USDA, about one-half of your plate at each meal should be taken up by this
What are vegetables
This is a brief document that outlines your work history, education, and other skills
What is a resume?
This four-letter word is defined as "results or achievements toward which effort is directed"
What are goals
This app allows you to quickly create and organize notes using text, images, video, and voice recordings
What is Evernote
This is a "pattern that you create to organize how a resource is spent"
What is a budget
To be prepared for common injuries, you should keep one of these in your home and one in your car - at LLH, there's one in every office
What is a first aid kit
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of professionalism? Respect, communication, competitiveness, integrity, competence
In our Organization workshop, we identified four common patterns for organizing almost anything - name two.
Alphabetical, chronological, characteristic, thematic
This "refreshing" app is useful for tracking expenses and debit card use, once you connect it to your bank accounts
What is Mint
This word represents the amount of money that is paid to you on top of an amount of money invested or placed into a savings account
What is interest
These are the three most common categories of exercises
What are cardiovascular, strength training, and stretching/flexibility
It takes the average hiring manager seven seconds to do this before they decide whether or not to invite you to an interview
What is review your resume
This is "the analysis of how your hours are spent and the prioritization of tasks in order to maximize personal efficiency"
What is time management?
This company offers an app that provides step-by-step instructions for common first aid and disaster scenarios
What is The American Red Cross
This three-letter acronym represents the amount of interest that you need to pay on a debt every year
What is APR (annual percentage rate)
This is the act of intentionally focusing one's attention and being "present in the moment"
What is mindfulness
At our Job Interviews workshop, we identified five steps to make a successful first impression - name three
Stand up straight, make eye contact, smile, introduce yourself, shake hands
What do the letters S-M-A-R-T stand for in "SMART Goals"?
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely
This app helps you to "squirrel" away money by rounding up all of your purchases and placing the extra change into an investment portfolio
What is Acorns
The amount of money that a person should set aside for emergencies such as unemployment, car repairs, etc., is equivalent to this
What is six months of their wages
In first aid, the mnemonic device "RICE" stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation, and is useful for treating this type of injury
What are pulled or sprained muscles
What do the letters S-T-A-R stand for when used to represent a technique for answering behavioral interview questions?
Situation, Task, Action, Response/Result