Household Management
Relationships & Communication
The Me I Want to Be
Other Stuff...
This company's high-speed rail line provides service from Lindenwold to Philadelphia
What is PATCO
In our Housekeeping life skills workshop, we identified five housekeeping tasks that should be done every day - name two.
Washing dishes, cleaning kitchen counters (if you’ve cooked), sorting mail, putting dirty laundry in hamper, taking out the trash
Which of the following is not NECESSARILY an example of an abusive behavior? Hurtful name-calling, getting jealous when you text your ex, controlling your finances, threats of suicide or self-harm, headbutting
Getting jealous when you text your ex
This is "the collection of thoughts, images, and feelings that the public associates with a specific person or product"
What is a brand
When we order from Nick's Pizza for a life skills workshop, we usually order this
What are a large cheese pizza, large pepperoni pizza, 30 breaded wings, and two 2-liters of soda
You should only check the level of this fluid once a vehicle has been running for a few minutes
What is motor oil
You should never use this liquid to attempt to put out a grease fire
What is water
This behavior, which was the topic of an entire life skills workshop, could be described as "being confident enough of your needs and desires to communicate them effectively and healthfully to others"
What is assertiveness
This is the intentional act of "learning to take control over how you feel, what you think, and how you act so that you can continue to grow into the person that you want to become"
What is personal development
What does Michael do to indicate that it is "after hours" and time for some "real talk"?
Loosens his collar and tie
Name a location in NJ that serves as a "hub" to connect to several different modes of public transportation?
Walter Rand Transportation Center, Avandale Park & Ride, Lindenwold PATCO station
This class of fire extinguisher can be used to put out electrical fires
What is a class C fire extinguisher
In our Healthy Relationships life skills workshop, we identified five common characteristics of healthy relationships - name three
Respect, trust, sharing, communication, boundaries
In a SWOT analysis, the letters S-W-O-T stand for this
What is strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
This sandwich chain offers delicious sandwiches like the "Vito", the "Turkey Tom", and the "Club Lulu"
What is Jimmy John's
Where in your car can you find the correct pressure to which you should inflate your tires?
Inside the door frames or the car's owner's manual
To make housekeeping more efficient, you should divide your regular household chores into these three categories
What are daily, weekly, and monthly chores
These are the three types of unhealthy, non-assertive communication
What are passiveness, aggressiveness, and passive-aggressiveness
To help us identify our purpose, Michael challenged us to answer this question posed originally by Fight Club's Tyler Durden
"If you were to die right now, what would you regret not doing with your life?"
This was the first topic that we discussed in our 2015 life skills workshops
What is goal-setting
What are the three types of insurance that vehicles registered in New Jersey are required to carry?
Liability, personal injury protection, uninsured motorist coverage
This is the most essential thing that you should have in the event of a household emergency or natural disaster
What is an emergency plan
The central purpose of etiquette is to act in such a way as to demonstrate this
What is respect
Our purpose is a combination of what four components?
What we love, what we're good at, what we think the world needs, what we can get paid to do
How did the bunny avoid getting eaten by the bear?
He asked politely