These two Republicans are the only 2016 candidates to fully support Common Core.
Who are Jeb Bush and John Kasich?
This former New York Governor thinks that the Department of Education needs to be scaled back dramatically.
Who is George Pataki?
This bombastic Republican candidate says that "Common core is a major disaster."
Who is Donald Trump?
This female candidate strongly believes that schools themselves should be held responsible for their students' performance and competitivity.
Who is Carly Fiorina?
This Democratic candidate wants to raise academic standards, increase teacher salaries, and lower class sizes.
Who is Hillary Clinton?
This Ohio Governor feels that education systems "are micro-managed by the federal government and need to be controlled by the educators themselves."
Who is John Kasich?
This Republican candidate believes that "school choice has become the civil rights issue of the twenty-first century."
Who is Ted Cruz?
This Kentucky Senator believes that the U.S. needs to give control over classroom curriculum back to the states, localities and parents.
Who is Rand Paul?
This Pennsylvania US Senator believes that the American public is oblivious to the effects of Common Core and need to better understand what it really is.
Who is Rick Santorum?
This Democratic candidate believes that parents should be involved in deciding the standards that their children should reach.
Who is Martin O'Malley?
This Republican candidate believes that the federal government should not be involved in creating curriculum, directly or indirectly.
Who is Jeb Bush?
This Republican candidate with a bad hair-do feels strongly that the Department of Education should be cut back.
Who is Donald Trump?
This Republican candidate once said this: “I oppose Common Core and believe we should abolish the federal department of education. We must kill Common Core and restore common sense.”
Who is Mike Huckabee?
This Democratic candidate likes the ideas and goals of Common Core, but not the argument that has arisen from it.
Who is Hillary Clinton?
This Republican South Carolina Senator believes that the U.S. needs to restore state authority and flexibility in establishing rigorous student academic standards and assessments.
Who is Lindsey Graham?
This Republican candidate believes that Common Core gives students in every state the motivation to succeed in school by giving them the opportunity to compete with other students.
Who is John Kasich?
This Republican candidate advocates for parents to send their children to private schools because those schools do not use Common Core.
Who is Ben Carson?
This Republican candidate believes that the Obama Administration used federal funds to suggest states into using the Common Core standards.
Who is Lindsey Graham?
This Democratic candidate prohibited the federal government from mandating or incentivizing states into adopting Common Core in the state of Vermont.
Who is Bernie Sanders?
According to this Republican candidate, schools should keep standardized testing but modify the standards as test results are gathered each year.
Who is Chris Christie?
This Republican candidate launched a nonprofit called the Foundation for Excellence in Education that ultimately became a leading advocate of Common Core.
Who is Jeb Bush?
This Republican believes that the Obama Administration has used Common Core to make "the Department of Education into a national school board."
Who is Marco Rubio?
This Republican candidate believes that the Department of Education should focus on assisting low income families to help send their children to school.
Who is Chris Christie?
This female Republican candidate believes that Common Core is being overly influenced by testing companies and textbook companies.
Who is Carly Fiorina?
This Republican candidate believes that it would be beneficial for there to be one national teacher per subject, with local teachers only to reinforce the lessons from the single national teachers.