People/Groups Who Shaped the New South I
People/Groups Who Shaped the New South II
Rights Denied to African Americans in the New South
Roles of Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, & Alonzo Herndon
Antisemitism & The Leo Frank Case

Who was known as the "voice of the New South?"

Henry Grady 

Sinnce Henry Grady was the leader of the "New South" movement, which of the following would he support? 

A. Southerners growing more cotton for export 

B. Northern investment in southern industry

B. Northern investment in southern industry


What happened when "Jim Crow" laws were passed in the South?

Segregation - separate bathrooms, schools, water fountains, railroad cars


Who was president of the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama?

Booker T. Washington 

Who was the northern businessman who came to Atlanta, Georgia to manage the National Pencil Company? What was his race/religion?

Leo Frank; Jewish 

Who led Georgia farmers in the Populist Party?

Thomas (Tom) Watson 

Which New South Georgia leader wanted to help poor farmers, both black and white, by lowering taxes for farmers?

Thomas (Tom) Watson 

What action became legal as a result of the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling?

"Separate but equal" facilities were legal and the norm in the South


Which civil rights leader was born in Massachusetts and became an economic and political science professor at Atlanta University?

W.E.B. Du Bois 


Who was Leo Frank accused of killing? Give one description of this person.

Mary Phagan - a 13 year old factory worker in Leo Frank's factory, from Marietta, GA, paid very little for working long hours


What did the Bourbon Triumvirate work toward?

wanted to improve the state economically by bringing new industries/manufacturing (like textiles) and Northern investors to help pay for these changes


Which group was made up of farmers that worked together to solve problems that affected farmers?


List three ways African Americans were disfranchised.

Denied the right to vote by - 

1. grandfather clauses 

2. poll taxes 

3. literacy tests

4. KKK intimidation 


What is the name for W.E.B. DuBois' plan to raise up African American leaders to pursue social and political integration (end segregation) as well as higher education (college)?

The "Talented Tenth" (for 10% of the African American population)


What is antisemitism?

Hostility, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews


What was the main purpose of International Cotton Exposition?

- To showcase the industries of the New South 

- Created to show the economic recovery and potential of the South after Reconstruction 

- Tried to get businessmen to invest money in Georgia by building factories


What was Tom Watson's greatest achievement while serving in the US Congress (House of Representatives)?

Passes a bill that required the federal government to deliver mail to rural areas (the Rural Free Delivery - RFD)


What is the term used to refer to voting rights being taken away from African American and poor whites?



What did Booker T. Washington believe about social equality among black and whites?

- He believed that blacks and whites should agree to economically benefit from each other 

- He believed that blacks should pursue education and learning a skill/trade to acquire economic security 

- He believed that economic security would come before social equality


The Leo Frank Case gave rise, once again, to which group and why? 

The KKK (Ku Klux Klan) - many Southern whites hated those different than them - (hated blacks, but also Jews, Catholics, & immigrants)


What does the term "New South" mean?

- A South that would develop industry/manufacturing like the North (moving away from farming as the main way to make a living) 

- A South that would develop new ways/diversity in agriculture 

- A South that call for Northern investors to help pay for the South's changes in industry and agriculture

Name the members of the Bourbon Triumvirate? 

John B. Gordon, Alfred Colquitt, & Joseph E. Brown.


In what year did the Atlanta Race Riot that was inaccurately blamed on the blacks in Atlanta and caused a lot of violence and destruction to downtown Atlanta take place? 


What insurance company did Alonzo Herndon operate and why did he buy this business?

Atlanta Mutual Insurance Company; He bought it to provide insurance for African Americans


What angered the mob that would go on to lynch Leo Frank? 

The Georgia governor lessened Frank's sentence from death to life in prison