lethargy/weakness, nausea constipation, polyuria, thirst and hypoactive deep tendon reflexes
What is a clinical manifestation of Hypercalcemia?
back pain, motor weakness, bowel and bladder dysfunction, paralysis, sensory loss
What are clinical manifestations of Spinal Cord Compression?
Dyspnea is the most common syptom along with facial swelling.
What are clinical manifestations of superior vena cava syndrome.
IV hydration, allopurinol or rasburicase, close monitoring and treatment of electrolyties, dialysis
What is clinical management of Tumor Lysis Syndrome?
Prevent/manage activities that increase risk for falls, monitor fluid status, mental status, vs, and respiratory pattern, all orifices and invasive devices for bleeding/oozing
What is nursing management for DIC?
Ensure adequate IV and oral hydration, assess bowel statud and ensure regular evacuation.
What is nursing management of hypercalcemia?
Bed rest, pain assessment and management, bowel and bladder assessment and management, treatment related symptom management
What is nursing management for spinal cord compression?