I Can Infer
Using schema and the text
Reasonable Inferences
It is likely that. . .
The Canadian Province was originally settled by fur traders from France. As a result, other industries (such as logging) became the main source of income for residents. Based on this passage, I can infer that some residents of the area may speak which language?
Tanner flicked the light switch on and off, but nothing happened. He tried to turn the tv on, but he was unsuccessful. He begin to worry because it was starting to get dark and he was all alone in the house. Based on this description, what can the reader infer?
The power has gone out.
Dominic's little brother looked at his new bike apprehensively. "Are you sure I won't get hurt?" he asked Dominic. Dominic replied, "You'll be ok, just wear your helmet." From this excerpt, what can the reader infer?
Dominic's little brother is learning to ride a bike.
Dillon looked around the classroom for his friend Ben, who was missing. He remembered that Ben claimed his throat was sore the day before. Dillon can reasonably infer that. . .
Ben is home sick
In the bottom of the ninth inning, Daniel stepped up to the plate, his heart pounding, as he gripped the bat. The pitcher threw a curve ball. A few seconds later the crowd was yelling and Daniel was smiling. It is likely that?
Daniel hit a homerun

On a July 4 weekend, volunteer firefighters stand in an intersection. They hold out canvas buckets to passing drivers and ask them questions. I can infer that the firefighters are?

Collecting donations
Caroline loved this time of year. She loves the bright red leaves on the tree, and the pumpkins on the front porches. What can the reader infer about the season?
It is autumn
Mrs. J told the students to clear their desks, put their phones away and get out a pencil. She then started to hand out tests. Austin looked startled and said, "Wait Mrs. J! The test is today? I thought it was tomorrow." Based on this passage, what can the reader infer about Austin?
Austin did not study for the test.
Haley and her mom watched the truck move away. They walked the empty rooms one last time before getting in the car and leaving. The reader can reasonably infer that. . .?
Haley and her mom are moving
Jason had waited for this moment for four years. He knew his family was watching him and his mom was probably crying. He waited patiently for his name to be called. As he walked up the stairs, a man handed him a piece of paper, and a woman took his picture. It is likely that. . .
Jason just graduated.
Katie and Jana both auditioned for a singing role in the school musical. Katie landed a role, but Jana did not. Based on this information, the reader can infer the directors thought. . .?
Katie was a better singer than Jana.
Samir was promoted from 3rd to 5th grade. The teachers decided he did not need to attend 4th grade at all. Based on this passage, the reader can infer?
Samir did extremely well in 3rd grade.
Caleb let his dog, Rosco into the house. Rosco ran to his food bowl and began to wag his tail wildly. The reader can  infer?
Rosco is hungry.
Edwin was excited to ask how his friend Elijah's first soccer game went. He was surprised when he saw Elijah walk into the classroom with a cast on his arm. The reader can reasonably infer that. . . ?
Elijah broke his arm while playing soccer
Shane had waited until the time was right to kneel and present the small black box to Rachel. He asked her a question. Rachel smiled and gave him a hug. It is likely that. . .
Rachel said yes to Shane's proposal
Robert and Pablo looked around the room nervously as the teacher handed back the graded tests. The teacher smiled as she handed Pablo back his test. The teacher handed Robert his test and asked, "What happened?" We can reasonably infer that?
Robert did not do well on his test.

Chase loved going to the zoo. He especially loved his favorite animal. He thought its spotted coat was beautiful. He was always amazed when one walked close to him or stretched out to eat the leaves at the top of the tree. The reader can infer that Chase's favorite animal is?

A giraffe.
Lauren sat in the lobby of her apartment building. Almost everyone who walked in was carrying an umbrella. Those who weren't had wet hair and clothes. Based on Lauren's observations, the reader can infer that. . .?
It is raining outside.
Jake experienced a strange smell and his eyes burned when he opened his window. A few minutes later, he heard a siren and saw a large truck driving down the road. The reader can resaonably infer that. . .?
There is a fire on Jake's street.
Jack, Austin, and Gage went to a party on Saturday night. Gage left early and did not come to school on Monday. Austin went to the nurse during lunch and Jack went home with a sore throat. The reason Gage left the party early was likely. . .
He was sick.
Katrina slammed her math book closed and yelled, "ugh!" Based on this passage, what can you infer about Katrina?
Katrina is having difficulty with math.
Brenna looked down; the sound of everyone's laughter burned in her ears. She felt her face grow warm and her stomach felt like it was in knots. She wished she could just walk out of the room. Based on this information, the reader can infer that Brenna feels?
Brenna is embarrassed.

Lydia walked into the dark and quiet room. Suddenly, the light came on, and people started yelling. Lydia smiled. What is happening?

A surprise party for Lydia
A large letter with an official seal came in the mail for Amy. Nervous, she asked her mother to read it first. Amy's mother smiled and told her, "Congratulations, you're in!" The reader can reasonably infer that the letter came from?
A college that Amy applied to.
A man was lying motionless in a field next to an unopened backpack. There are no buildings, streets, or cars anywhere in site. It is likely that the man is. . .
a skydiver whose parachute did not open