See You in Court!
That's So Presidential
I Am Woman!
This Means War!
What's The Deal?
This court case overturns Plessy v. Ferguson and declares that segregation is illegal.
What is Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas?
This president was the only president to resign from office because of the Watergate Scandal.
Who is Richard Nixon?
She won the 2016 presidential nomination for a major political party.
Who is Hillary Clinton?
This war never uses a weapon and their are now battles.
What is the Cold War?
This president's economic plan to pull the United States out of the Great Depression is called?
What is the New Deal?
This court case allowed students to use their 1st amendment right to wear armbands to school to protest the Vietnam War. 
What is Tinker v. Des Moines?
This president sent the army to escort the nine high school students to Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Who is Dwight D. Eisenhower or Eisenhower?
She becomes one of the richest women in America as the founder of a cosmetics company.
Who is Estee Lauder?

This concept states that if the U. S. allows one country to fall to communism in SE Asia, then the other countries will fall as well. 
What is the Domino Theory?
This new deal program guarantees a pension for older Americans- over 65. 
What is Social Security?
This court case states that it is illegal to segregate Mexican children in public schools in Texas. 
What is Delgado v. Bastrop ISD?
This president tried unsuccessfully to bring the hostages from Iran home, but they remained in captivity for more than a year.
Who is Jimmy Carter?
She writes a book, "The Feminine Mystique", which exposed the unhappiness, alcoholism and drug use. 
Who is Betty Friedan?
The U. S. enters WWII by landing on the beaches of Normandy, France.
What is D-Day?
This program regulates the banks and guarantees that your money is safe up to $150, 000 in each bank.
What is the Federal Deposit Insurance Deposit or FDIC?
This court case allowed an Amish family to home school their kids based upon religious reasons.
What is Wisconsin v. Yoder?
This president escalated the war in Vietnam after the Gulf of Tonkin Incident.
Who is Lyndon B. Johnson or LBJ?
She co-founds the United Farm Workers Association.
Who is Dolores Huerta?
List the four causes of World War I.
What is Militarism, Alliance, Imperialism and Nationalism?
The New Deal offers the 3 R's on the road to getting out of the Great Depression.
What is Relief, Recovery and Reform?
This court case requires that the police read you your rights while you are being arrested.
What is Miranda v. Arizona?
This economic theory is named after this president who believed that if we give tax breaks to the rich that money will "trickle down" to middle and working class.
What is Reagonomics?
Who opposed the Equal Rights Amendment and fought for "family values". 
Who is Phyllis Schlafly?
The idea of turning over the fighting to the South Vietnamese so that the U. S. can withdraw their troops is known as....
What is Vietnamization?
Regulates the Stock Market so that there is not another crash.
Securities and Exchange Commission