I before E, Except after
Ans. C
Bonus 50 points If you also said:
Unless it sounds like A, (neighbor, weigh)
gift giver; person who gives people or institutions with financial help
Abnormally severe loss or failure of memory – are stroke, head injury, illness (i.e. dementia), or poisoning. However amnesia has also been known to be triggered by sudden and intense bouts of extreme stress and/or emotional trauma.
conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.
When you add a suffix that starts with E (such as -ed, -er, or -est) to a word that ends in Y, the Y changes to:
Ans. "I",
except for the suffix -ing
(such as tidying, crying)
conforming to accepted standards of social or professional behavior; adhering to ethical and moral principles
This is a neurological condition (i.e. one which affect the brain and nervous system) which manifests itself in a profusion of involuntary physical and verbal tics.
One group (or leader) "calls" and the other group "responds", usually by echoing what the first did.
Wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly.
The Long and Short of it:
The vowel sound in a word is ______
when there is an "e" at the end of the word.
having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding
A form of Impulse-Control Disorder which manifests itself in a consistent pattern of theft and a desire to steal things of little to no monetary value or personal use.
Recover one's health and strength over a period of time after an illness or medical treatment.
The Long and Short of it:
The vowel sound of a word is ______
when there is a double-consonant before an "e" at the end.
narrow in outlook; OR related to local church community
Alzheimer’s is a progressive form of dementia most commonly found in people over the age of 65.
a solo from an opera, intended to "show off" the singer's voice.
Very strange; bizarre.
Make it Plural: ES or S?
The rule is this: if a word ends in ‑s, ‑sh, ‑ch, ‑x, or ‑z, you add _______
Ans. ES
for all others, add S
moose, fish, sheep
an exaggerated expression, usually of praise;
OR the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development
a form of visual agnosia which results in the loss of colour vision.
when two or more pitches are sounded at the same time.
Accept something reluctantly but without protest.