This sport has Christiano Ronaldo in it
What is soccer
What is 46
What is 2 + 2
What is 1 to the third power
What is the head
This sport has Dale Earhart. Jr in it
What is Indy Car
Fred plus Fred.
An orge
Which country is closest to USA
What is Mexico
This is something that can help with fighting sickness
What is the amun system
This sport has a ball with stiches
What is baseball
What is 24 letters
2018 x 2
What is year that we are in heaven.
Made of cartalige
What is the nose
Michael Phelps
What is swimming
500 x 3
What is 1500
What is Daddy plus Daddy
What is one big human
Smooth thing
What is hair
Simone Biles
What is gymnastics
What is Marshawn + Marshawn
What is 2 Marshawns
What is armpit plus armpit
What are the I's