2D motion
Circular motion

A car travels at 15 m/s. 

How far does it travel in 32 seconds?

480 meters


A ball is dropped from 50 meters in the air.

 At what speed does the ball hit the ground?

31.3 m/s


What is the weight of a 30 kg child?

294 Newtons


Is gravitational force attractive or repulsive?



True or False.

You draw energy on a force diagram



A dog is initially at rest, and then starts running, accelerating at a constant rate. If the dog travels 20 meters in 7 seconds...

What is the dog's acceleration?

5.71 m/s2


A coin is thrown from 100 meters at an initial downward velocity of 5 m/s. 

How long does it take to reach the ground?

4.04 seconds


If an object is not acceleration what forces could be working on the object?

force of gravity and force normal


Describe centrifugal force

It does not exist. Only centripetal force exists.


If a ball is dropped at height X, can the ball get higher than height X after bouncing?

No, due to conservation of energy


If a ball speeds up when rolling down a hill, does the acceleration due to gravity increase or decrease?

Neither. Velocity does not effect acceleration due to gravity


On the planet Fiziks an object is thrown downwards at a velocity of 3 m/s, from a height of 10 meters, and it takes 35 seconds to reach the ground. 

What is the acceleration due to gravity on planet Fiziks?

.155 m/s2


A 2500 kg vehicle slows from 40 m/s to 25 m/s in 10 seconds. 

How far does the vehicle travel?

325 meters


Two planets have attraction on each other. Which planet will have more attraction force, the lighter or heavier planet?

Neither. Both planets have the same force of attraction on each other.


A clown rides their bike 80 meters straight up a hill in 50 seconds. If the clown weighs 650N, what is the clown's power?

1040 Watts


What does the area under the velocity graph represent?



At what angle should a projectile be fired for it to travel the maximum distance?



If the force of friction of a block sliding down a ramp is 20N, and the block weighs 5 kg...

What is the acceleration of the block?

4 m/s


Planet Fiziks (mass of 6.4X1023 kg) is 2.2X1012 meters away from planet Sheen (mass of 5.3X1013). 

What is the force of attraction between the planets?

467.45 Newtons


A moving cart (10 kg) hits a spring, travelling at 2 m/s at the time of contact. At the instant the car is motionless, how much is the spring (k=100 N/m) compressed?

0.632 meters


A spaceship flied in one direction for 10 seconds at 500 m/s then turns around and travels back for 10 more seconds at the same speed. 

What is the spaceship's average velocity?

Zero m/s

Average velocity takes into account direction, and if the spaceship stops where it began there is no change in direction.


If the sum of two vectors is 0, then what must be true about the initial magnitudes and directions of both vectors?

The magnitudes of both vectors are the same, but their directions are opposite


Describe Newton's 3 laws

1. Law of Inertia- an object in motion stays in motion

2. A net force is required to make an object accelerate

3. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction


If you are accelerating upward in an elevator, will your weight be greater or less than your weight is when you are not accelerating?

Greater than


If a ball is dropped and bounces until all the energy is dissipated, does the system lose or gain energy?

Neither, energy in a system can not be created or destroyed. All the energy is just dissipated.