Context Clues
Text Structures
Vocabulary & Word Parts
Wild Card

Conceited people often have multiple mirrors hanging throughout their homes so that they can stop and admire their good looks often. 

What does conceited mean?

a. proud

b. ashamed

c. overly self-confident

d. ugly

c. overly self-confident


You're sound asleep when all of a sudden your mother bursts into your room screaming that you're going to be late. She quickly grabs your backpack, throws a bag lunch inside, and your homework to stuff inside as well. She asks if you'll stay back for English tutoring, but you're too sleepy to answer. 

Infer what scenario this is. What are you late for?



Meet Koko: a female gorilla born at the San Francisco Zoo on July 4th, 1971. Koko learned sign language from her trainer, Dr. Penny Patterson. Patterson began teaching sign language to Koko in 1972, when Koko was one year old. Koko must have been a good student, because two years later she moved onto the Stanford University campus with Dr. Patterson. Koko continued to learn on the campus until 1976. That's when she began living full-time with Patterson's group, the Gorilla Foundation. Patterson and Koko's relationship has blossomed ever since. 

Identify the text structure.

a. Chronological

b. Sequence

c. Compare/ Contrast

d. Problem/ Solution

a. Chronological


Which word part mean beyond? 

Think of things that are beyond our comprehension and out of this world.



Then there're sundews. We call them sundews because they sparkle in the sun as if covered in morning dew. Of course, that sparkle is from something much more treacherous. It is a sweet goo called mucilage that bugs can't resist. Sundews create mucilage to attract bugs. As they fly in to eat, bugs become trapped in the very object of their desire. They soon exhaust themselves by trying to escape the mucilage. Or the sundew's tentacles, which respond to prey by curling around them, smother them. Bugs usually die in about 15 minutes. Then the plant dissolves its prey in enzymes and absorbs the nutrients. 

Which event happens last when a Sundew eats a meal? 

a. The sundew creates mucilage.

b. The sundew's tentacles curl in response to the prey. 

c. The bug is attracted to the mucilage.

d. The sundew releases enzymes.

d. The sundew releases enzymes.


The dignitaries all attended the World Wide Peace conference instead of random representatives to help create unity between all the nations and prove to their citizens that safety was important.

What does dignitaries mean?

a. Country leaders

b. random citizens

c. representatives

d. military members

a. Country leaders


Two criminals rob a bank, and as they are escaping a superhero confronts them and says, "Stop right there! Return that money and turn yourselves in, or you're going to need a great lawyer.

Infer why the superhero said that the criminals would need a great lawyer.

The criminals robbed a bank which is illegal and illegal acts can get you arrested. When you are arrested, you will most likely go to court, be charged, and possibly sent to prison.


Identify the text structure.

There are over a quarter of a millions plant species. Only 600 or so are carnivorous. We call them this because they attract, trap, and eat bugs. Like other plants, they get energy from the sun. But unlike other plants, they get their nutrients from their prey. Carnivorous plants live in bogs and places where the soil lacks nutrients. Most plants get nutrients from the soil. Carnivorous plants have turned to other sources.

Which best describes the over all text structure of the second paragraph?

a. Chronological order

b. Compare and contrast

c. Sequence

d. Example


The word part bell- is contained within rebel. What does bel- mean?

a. peace

b. war

c. protest

d. anger

b. war

Cinderella was subjected by her evil stepmother to clean all day long. Her stepmother never let her leave the house even to attend the royal ball. Cinderella discovered she had fairy godmothers who used magic to transform her from a peasant into a beautiful princess. She attended the ball and met the prince, but the magic wore off and she fled. The prince searched for her with a shoe she forgot and when he found her, they lived happily ever after.

What is the theme of Cinderella?

a. Kill them with kindness

b. Treat others they way you want to be treated

c. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

d. Love always wins

d. Love always wins


Much of this conflict took place along the Western Front, which was a line of trenches across which the two sides faced one another.  Both sides dug in deep and each lost many men over little ground. Conditions were horrid for all and there was a stalemate for many years as neither side was able to move the other. 

Which best defines the meaning of the word stalemate as it is used in the paragraph?

a. When troops lose morale because they miss their families

b. When two sides are locked in a draw and neither one wins

c. When breathing is made difficult by foul odors

d. When one side has a large advantage over the other

b. When two sides are locked in a draw and neither one wins


There are over a quarter of a million plant species. Only 600 or so are carnivorous. We call them this because they attract, trap, and eat bugs. Like other plants, they get energy from the sun. But unlike other plants, they get their nutrients from their prey. Carnivorous plants live in bogs and places where the soil lacks nutrients. Most plants get nutrients from the soil. Carnivorous plants have turned to other sources.

Which statement would the author most likely agree with?

a. Carnivorous plants only eat bugs when there is no other energy source. 

b. Carnivorous plants have adapted to their environments.

c. Carnivorous plants don't use the sun for food.

d. Carnivorous plants trap bugs for fun.

b. Carnivorous plants have adapted to their environments.


What was the text structure of "The Pearl"?



What word means the study of life?



FACT AND OPINION: Match or Label which statements are facts and which are opinions.

1. There are over a quarter million carnivorous plants species

2. Venus fly traps are the coolest of all carnivorous plants

3. Carnivorous plants get energy from insects and the soil

4.Carnivorous plants might sound tough, but they are difficult to keep at home even for experienced gardeners

5. Sundews create mucilage to attract bugs

1. Fact

2. Opinion

3. Fact

4. Opinion

5. Fact


Which best defines the word treacherous as it is used in the paragraph?

Then there are Sundews which sparkle in the sun as if covered in morning dew. Of course, that sparkle is from something much more treacherous which helps them capture insects.

a. Something that provides nutrients.

b. Something that is very bright.

c. Something that tastes delicious.

d. Something that has a hidden danger.

d. Something that has a hidden danger.


And then there are the bladderworts. They're about as nice as they sound. They live in water and float near the surface. Their traps are like small bladders hidden beneath the water. Only their flowers are visible from the surface. When bugs swim into the trigger hairs, the plant reacts. A trapdoor in the bladder opens up. The bladder sucks up the prey and the water surrounding it. A tenth of a second later, the bladder shuts again. The plant has trapped the prey. It releases digestive fluids. The prey will be digested within hours.

Which statement would the author most likely disagree with?

a. Bladderworts seem harmless because of their flowers.

b. Bladderworts react quickly when their trigger hairs are bumped.

c. Bladderworts are only able to live on land.

d. Bladderworts hide their traps just below the surface of the water.

c. Bladderworts are only able to live on land.


These injuries happen for many reasons. People may bounce too high and land off of the trampoline or onto the springs. From the peak of the bounce, this can be a fall of 13 feet or more.  Ouch. Injuries also happen when many people are jumping at the same time. Jumpers may collide and cause one another to land in strange ways.  Lots of people have broken bones in this way. Perhaps the worst injuries happen when untrained people try to do flips. Landing on your neck or head can paralyze or even kill you. 

Which best describes the structure of the text in the paragraph?

a. Cause and effect    

b. Compare and contrast 

c. Chronological order  

d. Descriptive writing

a. Cause and effect  


What do transport, import, and portable all have in common? 

a. port means to set something down

b. port means to leave something alone

c. port means the ability to purchase something

d. port means to carry something

d. port means to carry something


Carnivorous plants might sound tough, but they are difficult to keep at home. They are built to survive in places that other plants cannot. This specialization comes at a cost. They have a hard time adapting to other environments. Their strengths become weaknesses in rich soil. They depend on the harsh yet delicate environments in which they thrive. They are not so hardy after all. Still, there's something to be said about the power of life when one finds a plant that can survive in barren soil. 

Which best expresses the main idea of the paragraph?

a. Carnivorous plants are not hard to take care of because they feed themselves.

b. Carnivorous plants are delicate because they need certain conditions to survive.

c. Carnivorous plants are difficult to keep at home, but you should keep trying.

d. Carnivorous plants are inspirational and they are interesting to watch and own

b. Carnivorous plants are delicate because they need certain conditions to survive.


The countries that fought against Germany were upset with them. The French were perhaps most upset. Much of the fighting took place in France, and the country was ravaged. Buildings were destroyed, homes were burned, and many people suffered harm, famine, and disease.

Which best defines the meaning of the word ravaged as used in the paragraph?

a. Severely damaged

b. Overflowing with joy

c. Very angry

d. Beautifully colored with vegetation

a. Severely damaged


"Mama, is it time to go?" I hadn't planned to cry, but the tears came suddenly, and I wiped them away with the back of my hand. I didn't want my older sister to see me crying. "It's almost time, Ruri," my mother said gently. Her face was filled with a kind of sadness I had never seen before. I looked around at my empty room. The clothes that Mama always told me to hang up in the closet, the junk piled on my dresser, the old rag doll I could never bear to part with--they were all gone. There was nothing left in the rest of the house. The rugs and furniture were gone, the pictures and drapes were down, and the closets and cupboards were empty. The house was like a gift box after the nice thing inside was gone; just a lot of nothingness. 

from "The Bracelet" by Yoshiko Uchida 

What conclusion can the reader draw after reading this passage? 

a. Ruri is getting married and leaving her childhood home. 

b. Ruri is going off to college. 

c. Ruri's family is moving to another place. 

d. Ruri's parents are divorcing

c. Ruri's family is moving to another place.


DAILY DOUBLE! Only the group or person who selected this question may answer. If they answer correctly then they receive double points. If not then they lose 500 points. 

Which text structure would best be used to create a cookbook or a how-to instructional manual?



What does incredible mean?

in= not

cred= believe

able= ability

a. Ability to be false

b. Not able to believe

c. Not able to be true 

d. Ability to doubt

b. Not able to believe


Imagine that you're a fly. You're just zipping around the sky, looking for a place to rest, when you see nice pink leaf. That looks like a nice place to land. You think to yourself in your fly head. As you rest your feet on the leaf, you notice something strange. This leaf is hairy. You begin to make your move, but you trigger the plant's reflex. Snap! In one-tenth of a second, you are caught in the Venus flytrap. You will be digested in five to twelve days. Welcome to the world of carnivorous plants!

Which title best expresses the author's main purpose in writing this text?

a. Watch Out! How To Avoid Being Eaten by Carnivorous Plants

b. At Risk: How You Can Help to Preserve Carnivorous Plants

c. Venus Flytrap: Nature's Most Beautiful and Dangerous Plant

d. Fatal Flowers: Plants That Kill Insects

d. Fatal Flowers: Plants That Kill Insects