22, 16, 13, 8
Odd Man Out: 13
All the rest are odd numbers
chin, shoulder, forehead, ear
Odd Man Out: shoulder
All the rest are on the head
swimming, basketball, football, tennis
Odd Man Out: swimming
All the rest are sports that require a ball
red, blue, yellow, purple
Odd Man Out: purple
All the rest are primary colors
Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, Arizona
Odd Man Out: Arizona
All the rest are New England states.
9, 18, 22, 27, 36
Odd Man Out: 22
All the rest are multiples of nine
tongue, molars, incisors, wisdom
Odd Man Out: tongue
All the rest are teeth
quarterback, linebacker, pitcher, wide receiver
Odd Man Out: pitcher
All the rest are positions in football
red, black, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
Odd Man Out: black
All the others are the colors of the rainbow in order
Columbus, New York City, Atlanta, Indianapolis
Odd Man Out: New York City
All the rest are state capitals.
7, 19, 20, 21
Odd Man Out: 20
All the rest are prime numbers
digestive, cranial, integumentary, reproductive
Odd Man Out: cranial
All the rest are legitimate systems of the body
football, bowling, baseball, soccer
Odd Man Out: bowling
All the rest are played in a stadium
white, yellow, blue, green
Odd Man Out: white
All the rest are color combinations. Yellow + blue = green.
Canada, Italy, USA, Mexico
Odd Man Out: Italy
All the rest are in North America
20, 100, 60, 70
Odd Man Out: 70
All the rest are multiples of 20
heart, veins, skin, lungs
Odd Man Out: veins
All the rest are organs of the body
Michael Jordan, Venus Williams, Shaquille O'Neil, Steph Curry
Odd Man Out: Venus Williams
All the rest play basketball
orange, blue, violet, rose
Odd Man Out: blue
All the rest are things that are named after their color
Fiji, Philippines, Asia, Hawaii
Odd Man Out: Asia
All the rest are islands.
400, 310, 1050, 1234, 5000
Odd Man Out: 1234
All the rest are multiples of 10
Carpals, femur, tibia, patella
Odd Man Out: carpals
The carpals are part of the hand. Everything else is part of the leg.
pool, chess, fencing, weightlifting
Odd Man Out: pool
All the rest are Olympic sports
white, black, red, brown
Odd Man Out: red
All the rest are neutral colors (neither cool nor warm)
Appalachian, Catskill, St. Lawrence, Sierra Nevada
Odd Man Out: St. Lawrence
All the rest are mountain ranges