What are the 4 sides of the health sqaure?
Emotional, dealing with stress exepting ideas. mental, expesing words exepting yourself. phisical, running hygene. social, interacting with people giving respect.
What is peer presure?
Peer presure is when your friends try to get you to do something that there doing. If your friends are pushing you to do something bad then you can fight it by walking away, changing the subject, saying no, sugest something betere...
What factors influence what we eat?
What people around us are eating we tend to eat, like if our family or friends are eating something you might want to get it. Tv can also influence what we eat by making comersials that makes people want whats on the tv.
Any interesting statistics about young adult fitness?
Young aduts should get about 60 minuts of phisical activity per day. When your hot you start to sweat to cool your body down. When yor cold you shiver to warm your body.
What factors affect your health?
What is a trusted adult?
A trusted adult is someone you can talk to and feel safe around. You should involve them when a problem is getting so bad you can't handle it yourself.
What are smarter goals?
Smarter goals are when you are setting a goal that is specific, meaningful, action oriented, reasponsable,timly, enlist supported, and re evaluated.
What are the 5 nutrients?
The five nutrients are Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats, Vitamins and Minerals, and Water.
What are the benifits to being phisicly fit?
The benifits of being phisicly fit are you can do active activities easy and you most likly feel good.
What is cyberbulling?
Cyberbullying is when someone is sending you mean things. Cyberbullying can also be someone posting embarising things publicly.
What are some examples of online dangers?
Some examples of online dangers are fake websites, spam, robbers...
What are the food groups?
The food groups are dairy, protien, fruits, vetibles, and grains.
aerobic vs anaerobic exercise.
During anaerobic exercise, oxygen consumption is not sufficient to supply the energy demands being placed on your muscles. ... Aerobic exercise increases your endurance and cardiac health while anaerobic exercise will not only help you burn fat but also help you gain lean muscle mass.
What are bystanders and upstanders?
A bystander is someone who see's or knows what's going on with someone else and doesn't do anything about it. An upstander is a person who takes charge or helps someone out when they see somethings going on.
How can you keep yourself safe when online?
You can keep yourself safe online by not talking to people you dont know, making private acounts for social apps, and deleting spam.
What are dietary giudlines?
The Dietary Guidelines is a critical tool for professionals to help Americans make healthy choices in their daily lives to help prevent chronic disease and enjoy a healthy diet.
5 Elements of physical fitness
What is empithy?
Empithy is when you amagine how you would feel if you were in someone elses situation.
Finish the sentence, "the internet is____"
The internet is a good place to share things with people that you know and learn new things but it can also be dangerouse so you have to be carful.
What are the important parts in a food lable?
The important parts in a food lable are the ingreedients, the nutrients, and the sugers.
Healthy behaviors. Examples?
Some healthy behavors are eating the right amount of food from each food group every day. Another healthy behavior is getting the right amount of exersise or more each day.