Reading Skills & Strategies
Vocabulary: Unit 1
Vocabulary: Unit 2
Reading Comprehension

What are the two parts of a main idea?

The two parts are the topic and the claim.


What part of speech do we remove from a sentence when creating a reduced relative clause?

We remove the relative pronoun (who, which, that)


Describe in 3-4 sentences (max) some of things that getting married ENTAILS.


Buying Rings
Planning your wedding
Inviting Guests
Receiving gifts
Meeting new family


To receive an influx of something is to receive what?

To receive an influx of something is to receive a large number/quantity of something (i.e. an influx of immigrants)


What does it mean to "read between the lines" when reading a new text? What does it help you do?

"Reading between the lines" refers to the process of identifying/comprehending the little clues or details that can help a reader make inferences about the content.


What is a quick way to use the strategy of "previewing and predicting" before reading a full text?

Read the first sentence in each paragraph.


What is the function of a relative clause? What does a relative clause do in a sentence and how is it different than another part of speech (adjective) that does the same thing?

A relative clause gives extra information about nouns – how exactly does it do this? Unlike an adjective, which in English comes before the noun, relative clauses always follow the noun that they are defining or describing


Explain the difference between a RIGHT and a PRIVILEGE.

A right is usually an entitlement to do something, maybe the result of a God-given or natural law (right to live in peace and pursue happiness). It cannot be taken away.

A privilege is usually something created (maybe by a court or legislative body/government) and can be taken away.


Explain 1-2 ways that an immigrant or immigrant community could be marginalized by the dominant/majority group in a new country.

Denied access to resources/citizenship, refusal to provide bilingual materials, etc...


What are 3 elements of a persuasive text?

Clear, concise, and defined thesis

Clearly organized structure

Strong introduction

Well-developed argument with strong supporting evidence

Strong conclusion

Purposeful and precise word choice

Varied sentence structure


Explain the difference between summarizing a text and synthesizing a text.

To summarize is to explain what you read. To synthesize a text is to explain and react to it, a step further than summarizing.


When a new subject and verb follow the relative pronoun (i.e. This is the house that Jack built.), how do you reduce the relative clause "that Jack built"?

When a new subject and verb follow the relative pronoun, you can always just delete the relative pronoun and you're done! (This is the house Jack built.)


If something is "scarce", what would be a logical next step to deal with that problem? (hint: use another vocab word from Unit 1 that starts with an "r")

You might ration it, you might save it (a resource) so that you have it for later or to share a little at a time to make it last longer. You might try to go purchase more of something to save it.


Explain the difference between assimilation and integration.

Assimilation is generally defined as adopting the ways of another culture and fully becoming part of a different society (give up your old ways). Integration is typically defined as incorporating individuals from different groups into a society as equals, those individuals maintain their unique cultural identities.


What is one major indicator of bias in a text?

  • The language of the document is often extreme; argument is presented as a "zero sum game" in which reader is either with the author or against them
  • The argument appeals more to the emotions than to logic.
  • Words used have an unnecessarily negative or positive connotation
  • The author wishes to present a limited view of the topic.

Describe the differences between "scanning" and "skimming" in terms of reading comprehension strategies.

Skimming means looking at a text or chapter quickly in order to have a general idea of the contents. 

Scanning means looking at a text to find some particular information


When the relative pronoun and the "be" verb are followed by an adjective (i.e. the man who is angry is my father.) you can't delete the pronoun and "be" verb unless you do one specific thing. What do you have to do to reduce the example sentence?

You must reverse the position of the adjective and the noun to form the following sentence (The angry man is my father.)


What are 3 things that have "intrinsic" value?

Acceptable: Gold, jewelry, education, money, etc...

What are cultural "mores"? Give one example from your culture/country and compare/contrast it with one example you have observed in the United States.

"Mores" are social values, one of the United States more important "mores" is that of personal responsibility - you are responsible for yourself and your success.


What is the difference between a "cause and effect" relationship in a text and a "conditional" relationship in a text

In cause and effect statements the events are related in a direct way (Because he ran outside in the rain, he got wet.)

In conditional statements, sufficient and necessary conditions must take place before/after something else for it to be (I must eat my vegetables before I can have desert)


Writers connect ideas between sentences in many different ways. Name one of the 3 things your textbook says the second sentence may do:

1) describe a result of what's reported in the first sentence

2) describe a better response to a problem than what is offered in the first sentence

3) add a detail(s) to support the general info found in first sentence


Create a new sentence for each of the 3 listed below using the "reduced relative clause" form - no relative pronouns!

  • I can’t find my notebook. My notebook contains all my addresses.

  • She has never met the lecturer. The lecturer is leading today’s seminar.

  • The tall man is my uncle. The tall man was standing by the bar.
  • I can’t find my notebook containing all my addresses.
  • She has never met the lecturer leading today’s seminar.
  • The tall man standing by the bar is my uncle.

"Exorbitant" costs could be described as being...

Extremely expensive, unreasonably high


What risks are "incidental" to traveling and/or living abroad in a foreign country?

Getting lost, robbed, not understanding the language, feeling isolated/alone, missing family/friends, difficulty finding work, possibly less access to healthcare or education