This is the name of the town that The Simpsons live in.
This is the largest U.S. state with an area of over 650,000 square miles.
This gorilla was made famous after being killed at a zoo after a boy climbed into the enclosure.
Heinz made colored ketchup in the 90's. What were the colors?
Green and Purple
This is the name of the main character in A Bug's Life.
The title of a Simpson's themed driving video game.
The Simpsons: Hit and Run
This is the smallest U.S. state with an area of only 1,545 square miles.
Rhode Island
Who is this?
Grumpy Cat
The movie Home Alone takes place in this city.
Chicago, IL
This is Nemo's father's name in Finding Nemo.
This is the number of playable characters (including hidden ones) in Mario Kart: Wii
Death Valley is located in this U.S. State
True or False: Mr. Max has an identical twin.
"Move it __________!"
"Move it football head!"
This movie was the first Pixar release.
Toy Story (1995)
This is the best selling Nintendo handheld game system.
Nintendo DS
This is the tallest mountain in the U.S.
Mt. McKinley (Alaska)
Boom goes the ________.
Gary does this on opposite day.
He barks.
In The Incredibles, Dash is called to the Principle's office for using his powers to do this in his classroom.
Putting tacks on his teacher's chair.
The first Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) was released in this year.
How many U.S. states share a border with Mexico?
Four: California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas
The name of Mr. Max's band.
Wake of Humanity
The King Dome in Seattle was demolished in this year (to make way for what is now known as Century Link Field).
March 26th, 2000
In Monster's Inc, what does Code 23-19 mean?
Human contamination alert.