Bread n Butter
Supplier Vision
Wont you be, my partner?
Show Me The Feeds
Tool Shed

What is the difference between a supplier that reports at a Child level and a supplier that reports at a Parent level?

Child level feed - reports inventory status per warehouse location

Parent level feed - reports inventory from one location regardless of how many warehouses they have. 


What is the click path to access a Supplier's Catalog?

Products --> Product Management --> Current Wayfair Catalog (Download Excel)


Where (from which team) do no alerts come from? 

Product Additions


What is the Feed Frequency for a 96 hr Reliability Cutoff?

2x Weekly


What are the four types of manual inventory translate alerts? 

1. SUIDs not related

2. All quantities on hand listed as zero

3. All items discontinued

4. Invalid feed quantities


What is the difference between a Full File Fake inventory feed and Full File Real inventory feed?

Full File Fake uses fake numbers and Full File Real uses real numbers. 


Which field(s) on the current Inventory Alerts page are actually actionable for suppliers?

Part Number Change


If a supplier with an EDI-846 feed reaches out with a question you're not sure how to answer, which team should you reach out to for support? 



If a supplier emails about not being able to connect to Filezilla and shares a screenshot with a 530 error, what are the two possible reasons for this error?

Whitelisting IP address, Account Credentials


If you get an email from a supplier that doesn't clearly identify what company the supplier is referencing, what tool can you use to associate the email to a supplier account? 

PT Ticket Search 


When a supplier is set to "partial feed", what will you expect to see on their feed?

Updates on stocked items and MTO items when they are OOS (With a BO Date) or DISCO


Which section on the Extranet is not accessible for Suppliers who submit Flat File or EDI Feeds?

Inventory Management


If a supplier request that their items be removed from site and to stop emailing them, what teams should you work with to facilitate a response? 

SRM and PM


What are two alternative names for RefProdID? 

Supplier Part Number, Item Number


Where can you access dashboards to see everything you want to know from macro level about suppliers and inventory settings (and much more!)? 



What is the name of the section in Manage Supplier where you can find a supplier's FileZilla credentials?

PureFTP (EDI & Marketing)


Which Extranet tool is used by Suppliers to communicate date ranges in which they cannot fulfill orders?

Warehouse Closure


Which team works on strategy for reducing OOS BOs and number of products listed as OOS on site? 

Inventory Quality


What happens when an item left off of a feed goes "Out of Compliance"?

The item generates an Alert


What tool would you use to set a handful of warehouse exceptions? 

Manage Product


What is the default backorder time on Manage Supplier?

4 weeks


What is the click path for Suppliers to see the accounts associated with their company?

More --> Account Management --> User Management


WILDCARD: What was Elton John’s first US No 1 hit?

Crocodile Rock


Which Columns will not break a Flat File Feed if they contain a formatting error?

D, E, H


What are four different ways to see when a feed has been successfully submitted in the last week? 

1. ECS Script
2. Extranet "last updated" field
3. Data Admin
4. Inventory History