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Name Z's favorite sport.

What is Futbol?


There are 6 different payment methods for our members, Name them.

What is Direct billing, Payment by phone (Auto), Payment by phone (Rep), SSA, ATS, Online?


In this system you can see if an ID card was mailed out.

What is Digecenter?


This election period is a 7 month period that begins 3 months before the month an individual's birthday and ends 3 months after the individual's birthday.

What is Initial Coverage Election Period (ICEP)?


In IDX it is the function number used in PCP changes

What is function 18?


Who won best album at the 2018 Grammy’s?

Who is Bruno Mars?


Provide the process for viewing premium payments sent by Coupon Book.

What is IDX- Function 49?


In this system you can see all applications received for MAPD members

What is Enrollplus?


"I have this Late Enrollment Penalty and I shouldn't have to pay it. Who do I have to talk to have this removed?"

Who is Maximus?


This website has a function called “Find Doctors and hospitals”


Close your eyes. Name the 4 colors on the Aetna value wheel.

What is Orange, Green, Purple, and teal?


 Members who have this, cannot be setup for SSA deductions.

What is a T or M at the end of their Medicare ID?


Under which tab in Navigator can you find a members current plan.

What is Contracts?


This occurs when a person no longer qualifies for Medicare part A, B or D or is deceased according to CMS records. 

What is Loss of Entitlement/Eligibility (LOE)?


It is the 10 digit number assigned by CMS issued to health care providers.

What is the NPI?


Ulysses is from which part of Baltimore?
A. Towson
B. Rosedale
C. White Marsh

What is B Rosedale?


Member is online trying to make a payment but the account was locked out, Where do you go to assist the member and what category?

What is PNC Biller under Activate Locked Out User?


These documents can be found in Transdirect.

What is dunning letters, Coupon books, and payment reminders?


These are the 3 types of addresses members may have on file.

What are Permanent, Mailing, and Temporary?


You will automatically receive a new ID card in 7 to 10 days when making this change.

What happens when you complete a PCP change?


Cardi B named her baby....(provide the full name)

What is Kulture Kiari Cephus?


Only the following members are excluded from the dunning process and will receive Premium Reminder Letters to advise them of account balances. Name them.

What is LIS, SPAP, SSA?


In marx under what tab can you see social security premium withhold?

What is premium?


This information can be given to a member over the phone if they haven't received their ID card in the mail yet.

What is Member ID#, BIN# 610502, PCN# MEDDAET, GROUP# RXEATD?


They are used to filter Provider Affiliations Mnemonics listings in the Affiliations spread sheet.

What are the Contract Number and PBP Numbers?