MiA Colors
Famous Heathers
Rhyme Time
Europeans vs Americans
Who said it?

This color was named for the fruit - not the other way around. 

What is Orange.


This famous Heather is worth an estimated $10 million, and is most famous for her roles in Spin City, Dynasty, T.J. Hooker and Melrose Place. 

Who is Heather Locklear


A polished monitor?

What is a Clean Screen


Europeans are often very confused why Americans use the imperial system instead of the _________ system? Only the U.S., Liberia and Myanmar use the Imperial system.

What is Metric

*Inches/feet/yards is known officially as the Imperial system.


Largely thought of as the greatest boxer ever: "I hated every minute of training, but I said 'Don't quit, suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion'.

Who is Muhammad Ali


This color is the lightest hue on the color spectrum - it is thought to be uplifting offering hope and happiness.

What is yellow?


Heather Mitts and Heather O'Reilly are 3-time Olympic medalist in this team sport. 

What is Soccer.


Ulysses S' trousers?

What is Grant's pants


In Europe, when it is time to pay you almost never hand this to the cashier - you do it yourself.

What is your Credit/Debit card

*Some countries it is actually against the law for the server/cashier to take your card.


Famous founding father, author, inventor, politician, and master of the lightning rod: "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."

Who is Benjamin Franklin


This color appears on more country flags than any other color.

What is Red.


Heather Leigh Whitestone McCallum is a former beauty queen and the first Miss American winner with this disability.

What is deaf.


An over-eater of sheep meat?

What is Mutton Glutton


This particular flavor is a surprise to many Brits and Australians; to them it is known as "blackcurrant"

What is grape


The most famous female pilot: "Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn't be done."

Who is Amelia Earhart


Blue is the most popular favorite color - this color is #2. 

What is Green


Heather Menzies was best known for her role as Louisa Von Trapp in this 1965 movie musical.  

What is The Sound of Music


An artificial small horse?

What is Phony Pony


This cup - a symbol of backyard barbeques and college parties - is uniquely American. 

What is the red solo cup

*The red solo cup is rarely seen outside the U.S.


Bodybuilder turned governor: "I saw a woman wearing a sweatshirt with Guess on it.  I said Thyroid problem?"   

Who is Arnold Schwarzenegger


Pre-industrial paints and dies were very unstable making this color difficult to mix.  It is the reason that many gaming tables are covered in this color fabric - a nod to the color's chance-y nature.

What is Green.


The summary of this 1988 movie is:  In order to get out of the snobby clique that is destroying her good-girl reputation, an intelligent teen teams up with a dark sociopath in a plot to kill the cool kids.

What is Heathers.


A big boat?

What is Large Barge


Many Europeans are surprised to find out that the price you pay is not the price on the tag.  In Europe this additional expense is almost always already added into the price. 

What is Tax/Taxes


Most famous swing singer of all time: The best revenge is massive success.

Who is Frank Sinatra