Conventions & Assoc's
Site Selection
Hotel & Conv. Ctr.

What is the definition of an Association

A group of people getting together based on common interest or purpose


Why do associations rotate their meeting locations?

  • To accommodate costs incurred by members – as some will not travel too far from home
  • Providing a different region to maintain interest
  • Gives every region the opportunities and rewards of  a large convention

What is the average durations of a convention

  • 3 – 5 days

What days of the week are best for conventions?

  • Sunday to Wednesday
  • Thursday to Sunday – cheaper air fare for staying over on a Sat.

Is there a “one fit all” type of property for convention?



Besides association dues, what is the SINGLE largest source of revenue for an association?



As well as the Five factors mention in your text book what is the ONE additional element a planner should look for when selecting a site?

SAFETY of the location – you don’t want to take a group of delegates to a site that has a reputation for crime or storms etc.


Will an association have exhibits /trade show if the meeting is less than 3 days?



How much lead time does an association need to plan a convention?

  • Norm 2 – 5 years
  • Larger ones may take up to 10 years

How often are conventions held by associations – what is their time cycle?

  • Most commonly annually
  • Some twice a year
  • Some every 2 years.
  • One year cycle are supplemented in national organization with one, two or three regional conventions on a smaller scale

What are the five factors that meeting planners take into consideration when making a site selection?  Briefly explain each one.

1) Sufficient meeting space

  • Like to keep everything together like, general assembly, smaller sessions like workshops and committee meetings as well as F&B

2) Adequate amount of guest rooms

  • Like to keep all delegates together to maximize attendance at meetings
  • Cut down on transportation costs (shuttle service)
  • If one hotel cannot accommodate all delegates often 2 or more hotels in close proximity

3) Ample exhibit space

  • Exhibit is a good source of income for associations
  • Delegates prefer not to travel too far, more convenient to go from room to exhibit

4) Attractive location

  • Easier to stimulate attendance
  • Easy access from major cities both air and ground transportation

5)  Service

  • Fast efficient, knowledgeable staff

How do associations choose location with regard to the geographic pattern?

  • Usually it is broken down into 3 sections – east, west and central
  • Alternates yearly between the east, the west and the central regions

Why do planners need so much time to plan a convention?

  • Site visits
  • Check with past clients
  • Check other alternatives etc.

What are some common areas planners look for in a property? - name a minimum of 2

  • Size of convention
  • Degree of sophistication
  • Members affluence
  • Ease of accessibility
  • Vacation element or sports
  • Climate
  • Safety
  • Environmental concerns
  • *2nd tier cities & walkable cities (clustering)

Name the 6 different types of Association meetings listed in your Chapter 4 worksheets

 Annual conventions

2.  State & Regional conventions (Provincial & Regional)

3.  Conferences

4.  Seminars & Workshops

5.  Board & Committee Meetings

6.  Hybrid Meetings


Why are site selections so important to an association planner?

  • Attendance is voluntary so must spark interest
  • Site needs to satisfy both business & vacation desires
  • Often spouses will attend if the site is attractive

The text book provided you with some helpful hints on how to locate national associations, name them:

  • Chamber of commerce
  • CVB
  • Yellow pages of telephone directories for capital cities
  • Newspaper from capital cities or feeder cities
  • For Canada – Canadian Society of Association Executives

When setting prices for convention what is the one element you need to remember?

  • Price should aligned with the kind of people who are expected to attend

Identify the Association meeting Decision-makers

1.  Association Director

2.  Assocation President

3.  Association Officers

4.  Association Chair

5.  Board of Directors


Why do associations hire the services of an Association Management Company?

  • If the association is smaller, may not be able to afford an executive director who is on salary and is permanent
  • They take on the role of the executive director – helping make site selection and organizing the convention

What are some association executives doing in order to deviate from their constitution of geographic restrictions regarding their chapter meetings?

  • Reciprocal agreement with another state organization – alternating between chapter location to create interests and attendance

Other factors that may influence a site selection would be “an association bid” and the “local host”.  Explain what they mean:

Association Bid:

Local chapter requesting the honor of hosting a national convention

Local host:

A group of local people that will carry out the strategies and policies established for the organization of an event held in their geographic area – also known as an Organization committee


Explain how conventions generate revenue from this source?

  • Exhibits (rent the space at one price then turnaround and rent it for higher)
  • Registration fees especially when it includes meals (association only pay the hotel for actual numbers) the no-show money will add to the revenue
  • Advertising in their publication from suppliers or members for the convention
  • Some events are sponsored. This will also defray some of its expenses