Disability and the family
Family reactions/models
Family systems approach
Online questions
Online questions 2

Some brothers and sisters exhibit “_____________” due to absence of illness or disability in their own lives. 

What is, survivors guilt


A false statement that has to do with marital relationships with parents who have a child with a disability. 

What is Marital deterioration is an automatic response. 


Aspect of a systems model; refers to the relationships and interactions occurring among and between various family subsystems. 

What is family interactions


Parents are often focused on a ______ for their child.  

What is a cure


What is being shown in the scenario below? I go to shake my coworkers’ hand just as she bows. Even though it may be awkward at first, we move on and accept the others difference.

What is cultural sensitivity


Siblings of children with intellectual disabilities note to have. GET TWO OUT OF FOUR 

What is, high tolerance towards others, increased compassion, high levels of empathy, and altruism (selfless)


A phase that has to do with Ambivalence, guilt, anger, shame, and embarrassment. 

What is Secondary phase


A model that considers a family as an interrelated.

What is Family systems model 


The goal of all caring parents. 

What is, provide the best quality for their child as well as to maximize their potential. 


The predominant type of care that a person who has an intellectual disability until middle age. 

What is family care


Fathers, in general, are less _________ in their reaction, tend to focus on the __________ consequences.  

What is, emotional/ long-term


A phase that has to do with shock, denial, grief, and depression. 

What is Primary phase


One dimension of a systems model; include family size and form, cultural background, and socioeconomic status, as well as the type and severity of the disability. 

What is family characteristics


TRUE/FALSE children with disabilities are faced with the same concerns as other typically developing children. EXPLAIN WHY.

What is  true, leisure and recreation or any access technology? 


The was the birth of a child with a disability was seen before the 1950s. 

What is a tragedy for the family 


Grandparents experience dual hurt (name the two concerns/anxieties they have).

What is, grandchild and their own child, who they perceive as chronically burdened.  


A phase that has to do with bargaining, adaptation/reorganizing, acceptance, and adjustment. 

What is Tertiary phase


Interrelated activities found within a family systems model; functions range from affection to economics to socialization, among other variables. 

What is family functions 


A family’s typical response to first hearing their child has a disability.  

What is shock, anxiety, denial.


Families of people with a disability have a higher degree of _______.  

What is stress


Issues confronting mothers when their child has a disability. GET THREE OUT OF FIVE 

What is, overwhelmed, concern about family finances, physical/mental exhaustion, impaired relationships with other family members, and impact on employment


The three systems in a family systems framework

What is, family characteristics, family life cycle, and family function 


Developmental changes occurring within a family over time. 

What is family life cycle 


Types of tasks that siblings of a someone who has a disability may take on. -domestic tasks and families may leave or develop new social-support networks, join advocacy groups or develop links with other careers.

What is domestic tasks and families may leave or develop new social-support networks, join advocacy groups or develop links with other careers.


What could the parents of a child with a disability do to improve access to healthcare or schools.  

What is change jobs or move the family home