Battles in TN
Divisions of TN
Famous Leaders
Civil War

This battle took place over two days on February 14-15, 1862

What is the Battle of Fort Donelson?


The 3 stars on the TN flag represent these.

What are the 3 Grand Divisions of Tennessee?


Clinton Fisk was the first head of the Freedman's Bureau and this university was named after him.

What is Fisk University?


To make life difficult for the confederacy, some people in this grand division burned bridges used to move Confederate soldiers to Virginia.

What is East Tennessee?


Poll taxes, segregation, and educational funds where all outlined in this document.

What is the Tennessee Constitution of 1870?


This battle took place at night, on November 30, 1864

What is the Battle of Franklin?


Our state capital is located in this grand division of Tennessee.

What is Middle Tennessee?


He was the first African American elected to serve in the state legislature

Who is Sampson Keeble?


This was the very first Civil War battle, which changed the minds of many Tennesseans about whether or not to secede.

What is the Battle of Fort Sumter?


This amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws and was proposed in response to issues related to former slaves following the American Civil War.

What is the 14th Amendment?


After this battle, the Civil War essentially over in Tennessee as the Union troops had taken control of the state.

What is the Battle of Nashville?


This grand division of Tennessee remained an area of pro-Union sentiment.

What is East Tennessee?


This tax was created to keep many African Americans from voting.

What is the Poll Tax?


Because there were no interstates yet, and few railroads through the southern states, the Union army led by Ulysses S. Grant led attacks to take control of this transportation system, which led to the Battles at Fort Henry and Fort Donelson.

What are rivers?


These state laws in the South were based on race and legalized segregation

What are the Jim Crow Laws?


This battle had the highest percentage of causalities of any battle in the Civil War.

What is the Battle of Stones River?


West Tennesseans, led by this man, overwhelmingly wished connection with the Confederacy, and voters strongly supported seceding from the Union.

Who is Governor Isham Harris?


He was the unpopular governor among southern democrats when the Ku Klux Klan created.

Who was William Brownlow?


Which of these was NOT part of the TN Constitution of 1870?

  • Poll Taxes
  • Segregation
  • Presidential Campaigns
  • Educational Funds

Presidential Campaigns


The purpose of this agency was to help former slaves start a new life by providing food and clothing, teaching people how to read and write and reunite separated families.

What is the Freedman's Bureau.


The Union Army and Navy victory at this battle opened the door to the unopposed invasion of Nashville.

What is the Battle of Fort Donelson?


This Grand Division of Tennessee had the largest number of slaves.

What is West Tennessee?


This Confederate cavalry Colonel led about 700 men and horses out of Fort Donelson across flooded Lick Creek prior to its surrender.

Who is Nathan Bedford Forrest?


This state was the last southern state to secede from the Union.

What is Tennessee?


This was the organized secret group that used terror and violence against African Americans and their white supporters.

What is the Ku Klux Klan?