People of the French Revolution
Enlightenment Philosophers
French Revolution
Latin American Revolutions

Queen of France who sparked the outrage of the third estate.

Who is Queen Marie Antoinette?


The enlightenment's principle and thought was based on this.

What is logic and reason?


This Enlightenment Philosopher believed in Absolute Monarchy and this was the only way to control the behavior of people.

Who is Thomas Hobbes?


This was the Social class system in France.


Describe each estate accordingly.

The three Estates.

1. Clergy

2. Nobility

3. Common workers and peasants.


Policy that allowed a country have power over another country for labor and resources.

What is colonialism?


He was the King of France as the French Revolution began.

Who is King Louis XVI?


Life Liberty and equal rights amongst men are considered to be this according to Enlightenment Thinkers.

What are natural laws?


This Enlightenment Philosopher believed in your natural rights of the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. He believed that the people had the right to take control of government if the government wasn't protecting these rights. 

Who is John Locke?


This was the congress of France that had a maximum of 3 votes. 1 vote representing each estate.

What is the Estates General?


Colonies used this to create a sense of identity to start their revolutions in Latin America. This term means pride for one's country.

What is Nationalism?


He took control of France after the Reign of Terror went too far and people needed stability and order.

Who is Napoleon?


This was an agreement between the people and government which states if the government doesn't do its job upholding people's natural rights, that the people have a right to overthrow the government.

What is a social contract?


This Enlightenment philosopher helped contribute to the check and balances of government also known as the separation of powers.

Who is Montesquieu? 

The storming of this prison/fortress allowed the French Revolution to begin.

What is Bastille?


He is the leader of the Haitian Revolution that established the first independent government in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Who is Toussaint L'Overture?


He was once considered an enlightened thinker until power went to his head and he went against belief of executions and began the Reign of Terror.

Who is Robespierre?


This is the term to describe absolute monarchs who were influenced by the enlightenment and even gave up some of their power.

What is an enlightened despot?


This is the most female enlightenment thinker, who fought for women's equality and the right to work.

Who is Mary Wollstonecraft?


The Third Estate became this in government in order to write this as a new constitution.

What are the National Assembly and the Declaration of the Rights of Man.


This man had a country named after him for his leadership and as a liberator against the European colonizers in South America.

Who is Simon Bolivar?


Napoleon's arrogance in taking over almost of Europe led to his downfall because of his defeat against this country and its cold winter.

What is Russia?


The Main Idea for the enlightenment was to promote _______ and _______ reforms.

What are political and social?


This philosopher believed in the freedom of thought, expression and religion. A man ahead of his time.

Who is Voltaire?


This conference in a city in Austria helped bring back the power of the monarchies to Europe in order to establish stability and order in all the European countries.

What is the Congress of Vienna?


The policy that a mother country controls all your trade and that you were only allowed to buy products from the mother country itself.

What is mercantilism?