Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
You got this

Conscious memory, intentional recall of previos expeirences ( ex: what you ate for lunch )

What is Explicit Memory


Schema-guided construction of episodic memories that embellish, interpret, integrate, alter & distort encoded memory representations

Reconstructive retireval 


Gernarl idea that enable the categorization of unique stimuli as related to one another. Ideas may be concrete (fruit) or abstract (mathmatics)

What is concepts 


Mathematical procedure for automatically extracting and representing the meaning of proportions expressed in a text

What is late semantic analysis


Occurs when semantically related words are perceived. A high associate of these words is often falsely remembered

What is verbal false memories


Mental time travel, capacity for recollecting past & envisioning future through reconstructive retrieval processes. 

What is prospective memory

Repression: defense mechanisms that prevents conscious recollection of disturbing events

What is recovered memories


Type of schema that represents the physical structure of the environment. Helps generate a mental map of the enjoyment and relations among psychical structures (ex. Office)

What is frames


Visual imagery, while not identical to perception, is mentally represented and functions that same way as perception

Functional Equivalence Hypothesis


Are lost under emotional duress, but not central features

What are peripheral details


Autobiographical memory includes specific temoral & a spatial features ( Ex: Your last bday ) 

Episodic Memory


Distortions caused by misleading information presented during questioning

What is misinformation effect


Human ability to infer that others, like ourselves, have mental states. Begins to develop at 2, but pretend play and reasoning skills helps it to fully develop by age 4

What is theory of mind


Participants were asked to mentally rotate items on the right to see if they matched the it. If objects are represented as images, then the time to make a decision should increase in a linear function to the angle of rotation (degrees)

Mental rotation experiment


Repression: defense mechanisms that prevents conscious recollection of disturbing events

What is recovered memories


Items to be learned are different from each other & other items already stored in memory

What is Distinctivness


Perceptual factors (poor visibility, rapid and unexpected events)

Selective encoding


Inability to understand that other people possess mental representations. May underlie the failures on social communication found in autism

What is mindiblindness


Type of schema that represents routine activities. They are usually sequential in nature and often involve social interactions (ex. Ordering food in a restaurant)

What is scripts


Recycling information within short-term memory by verbalizing it

What is maintenance rehearsal


recall of unrecognizable words, flip of the tounge. study test interactions in environmental context, mood congruence effect & state dependent learning.

What is encoding specificity effects


False autobiographical narrative of events that never happened

what is confabulation


Characteristics and defining features are processed first; then features are retrieved to categorized

what is feature comparison model


Selective encoding, Peripheral details, misinformation effect, memory implantation, recovered memories, trauma-induced amnesia, and false recollection

What is causes of false testiomony


Vivid recollection of an autobiographical event that carries a strong emotional component

What is flash bulb memories