All systems

26 y/o F comes to clinic after close contact with a child who have meningococcal meningitis. She takes Oral contraceptive pills and Daily multivitamin. Most appropriate next step?

Single dose of PO Ciprofloxacin

Rifampin two times a day for 2 days/Cipro single dose/Ceftriaxone single dose

Rifampin generally preferred ,but in this patient it interacts with OCPs and decreases their efficacy.


77 y/o M with cold develops fever,chills and cough over 24 hrs. H/o COPD, HTN,CKD and osteoarthritis. He used his albuterol inhaler more frequently during last few days due to SOB. he is also taking OTC cough suppressant with no relief. He is uptodate with his vaccines. Diagnosis and further treatment

Flu, Admission


Treatment of Syphilis  in a penicillin allergic patient in Pregnancy

Penicillin Desensitization


Thin, greenish yellow, frothy vaginal discharge. Diagnosis and treatment

Trichomoniasis, Metronidazole


Patient started on IV Labetalol and Nitroprusside infusion for BP of 230/112, dissection of descending aorta, found to be confused,agitated,having GTCS. Most likely diagnosis

Cyanide toxicity because of nitroprusside

Flushing, AMS, seizures,coma, arrhythmias, metabolic acidosis

Treatment: Cessation of nitroprusside and administration of Sodium Thiosulfate


19 y/o comes with abdominal discomfort,diarrhea and nausea after a trip from Guatemala. Vitals normal, Labs normal except eosinophilia, Fecal occult blood. She doesn't take any medication.Next step?


intestinal helminths-eosinophilia characteristic

Metronidazole for Giardiasis, Entamoeba


25 y/o medical interpreter at a regional hospital found to have Tuberculin test positive with 12 mm induration at 48 hrs. CXR done showed no abnormality. Next step?

Latent TB-start treatment with INH for 6-9 months,Rifampin for 4 months, INH and Rifapentine weekly for 3 months under supervision

She is non-infectious and can go to work


64 Y/o F with h/o Myasthenia gravis, comes with neck stiffness, fever and headache.12 days ago treated for UTI. Labs: WBC: 13,000,CSF: opening pressure-300 mm H2O, Glucose-30 mg/dl, Protein- 180 mg/dl, WBC 2,500 with 90%neutrophils, RBC 5,CSF gram stain and culture showed no organisms, cryptococcal Ag negative, CT head with contrast negative. Most likely cause of patient's symptoms

Bacterial Meningitis

Sensitivity of CSF gram stain varies from 60-90%, yield of both gram stain and culture reduced by prior antibiotic use.


Man with multiple sexual partners, develops fever, maculopapular rash all over the body,  tender lymphadenopathy,tender ulcers with white exudates on oropharynx, Lab showed WBC 1,600/mm3, Platelets 120,000/mm3. All symptoms started 3 days back. Most likely diagnosis?

Acute HIV infection

Acute retroviral syndrome due to recently acquired HIV infection.Symptoms resemble infectious mononucleosis, diagnosis with HIV ag+HIV 1/2 ab+HIV viral load. Treatment with Antiretrovirals


Sudden cardiac death in an young adult on exertion with no family history of CAD or sudden death

Anomalous coronary artery


Got a cut while cleaning a tropical fish tank, followed by hemorrhagic bullae surrounding laceration

Vibrio vulnificus


60 y/o underwent bonemarrow transplantation 1 month ago for aplastc anemia presented with productive cough,pleuritic chest pain, hemoptysis. CXR showed cavitary lesion in left upper lobe with ground glass opacities. Diagnosis, Treatment?

Aspergillosis, IV Voriconazole and reduction of immunosuppressive agents. 


Advanced HIV,TB .Was started on treatment for active pulmonary TB and HIV . 6 weeks later developed recurrent fever, cough , worsened pulmonary infiltrates. Diagnosis and treatment

IRIS-immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome

No change in Anti-TB or anti retroviral. Treatment symptomatic. NSAIDS or short course steroids can be used in those with bothersome .


35 y/o came with concern about his HIV status. He had a new sexual partner and found out to be HIV positive. Initial P24,HIV 1/2 Ab negative a month ago. What is the best next step?

Repeat P24,HIV1/2.

Although there is high sensitivity and specificity for these tests ,Ag and Ab titers are too low to detect initially during 1-4 weeks (window period)


Nurse had a needle stick, h/o Hepatitis B vaccination with low titers now. patient labs below

Hepatitis immunoglobulin and revaccination


56 y/o F undergoing chemotherapy presents with fever, rash. She developed a rash on her right thigh which within hours changed to pustule,formed a bulla, ruptured and formed an ulcer. similar rash occurred on left leg. O/E CVL appears clean with no erythema.Labs showed WBC count 800/mm3 with 10%neutrophils. Most likely diagnosis, causative organism?

Ecthyma gangrenosum , by Psudomonas

Patient with CVL, Chemotherapy induced neutropenia developed rapidly progressive, ulcerative skin lesions suggesting Echtyma gangrenosum.


49 y/o comes from a trip to India and develops rash, fever,joint pains, he got appropriate vaccinations before the travel and used bottled water throughout his stay. While checking Blood pressure, insufflation of cuff reveals petechial rash. Labs showed thrombocytopenia. Diagnosis and most common complication?

Dengue fever and Circulatory collapse-Dengue shock syndrome


25 y/o s/p Deviated nasal septum repair 2 days back comes to ER with high grade fever 103F, chills, myalgias, skin rash ,nausea and 3 episodes of profuse watery diarrhea and lightheadedness. O/E nasal packing on both nostrils, diffuse ,red, macular rash involving palms and soles. Diagnosis and pathogenesis

TSS-Toxic shock syndrome by Staph aureus, Exotoxin production

widespread activation of T cells by exotoxins leading to shock


20 y/o with 2 sexual partners in last 3 months presents with fever, pustular rash and pain in right wrist, left wrist and fingers. No effusion. What test yields the best result?

PCR of urogenital tract secretions for Gonorrhea

Disseminated gonococcal infection with dermatitis, tenosynovitis and polyarthralgia


Hepatitis B positive, develops pain in hands and knees 3 weeks ago, followed by rash which started initially on abdomen then extended to whole body associated with fever, abdominal pain started 24 hrs back-What kind of immune reaction/pathophysiological mechanism, what other agents cause same reaction

Serum Sickness like reaction type III Hypersensitivity-Ag+Ab+Complement

Fever, polyarthriris, dermatitis in Hep B infection

Beta lactams, Sulfa, Acute Hep B, mmune complex formation


19 y/o college student comes with 2 days of burning urination, urethral meatal itching after he has a new sexual partner a week ago. He denies urethral discharge,fever. O/E scanty, watery urethra discharge present. Causative organism and treatment?

Chlamydia (non-gonococcal urethritis) and Azithromycin


30 y/o with a past history of Diabetes type 1 admitted to hospital with DKA. Vitals temp :102F,BP 130/80,PR 110/min, mild periorbital swelling present. Right sided bloody, purulent nasal discharge and black eschar on inferior nasal turbinate. Diagnosis and treatment?

Mucormycosis, Amphoterecin B


26 y/o M with c/o headache,malaise, myalgia,gradually enlarging rash, recently returned from a 2 week camping and hiking trip to Eastern Pennsylvania.  temp 100.4F,HR,RR,BP within normal limits.O/E: 4 cm oval ,uniformly red macular patch at the belt line. What's the treatment.

Oral Doxycycline

Lyme disease-Early localized Lyme disease


21 y/o F,college student presents with fever, myalgia, abdominal pain, weigh loss. She is sexually active and uses condoms inconsistently. O/E: Pharyngitis,Lymphadenopathy, Hepatosplenomegaly present. Diagnosis, you ask her to avoid?

Infectious mononucleosis,  Suggest to avoid sports for at least 3 weeks and contact sports for 4 weeks to prevent splenic rupture

Monospot test or heterophile antibody test,


2 month old baby born to IV drug user who had Acute Hep B in third trimester received Ig and vaccine at birth, most appropriate next step in infant's care

Administer vaccine

Ig and Vaccine within 12 hrs after birth, routine vaccination ,serology testing after 3 rd dose of vaccine.