Digital Literacy
Internet Safety
Social Media
Video Games

To optimize an internet search for a specific time period you use:

A: + or - Symbols

B: Use dates with a hyphen in between.

C: Search Wikipedia

B: Use dates with a hyphen in between.



What's the best way to prove that you've been a victim of Cyberbullying?

A: Talk about it on the phone with a friend for hours

B: Tell a friend

C: Save Screenshots of the encounter and tell an Adult

C: Save Screenshots of the encounter and tell an Adult


What is one difference between online and face-to face communication?

A: People tend to be more honest online.

B. People don't see one another often.

C. Online, you can't tell tone of voice and messages can be misinterpreted.

C. Online, you can't tell tone of voice and messages can be misinterpreted.

Call Someone!


What should Liz do before posting a photo of Tyler online?

A: Ask Tyler for Permission to post

B: Send the Photo to Tyler

C: Tag Tyler in the Photo

A: Ask Tyler for Permission to post


All Team members on the opposite team have to eat a JellyBean. If one spits it out then points are automatically awarded to you, if they eat them all, points are awarded to them and they get the next turn.


The brother of a red plumber that has a  moustache?

A. Mario

B. Luigi

C. Goomba 

   B. Luigi


In a bibliography, a citation must:

A: Have a title in quotes

B: List information in the same order

C: Include a publisher

D: All of the above

D: All of the above


Why should you never send emails or texts when you're angry or upset?

A: You may not have the best of judgement when emotions are running high

B: It's harder to tell an emotion from a text

C: you must type fast and make spelling errors

A: You may not have the best of judgement when emotions are running high


Internet Trolls aim to:

A: Quietly Observe

B: Start Arguments

C: Lead Discussions

B: Start Arguments


Ms. Ridge's Bulletin Board states "Put your Best Foot Forward.

"What Does This Mean?

Various Answers will be Accepted.

Be a Good Digizen and brand yourself well with your Digital Footprint.


A person who speaks or acts in support of an individual or cause, particularly someone who intervenes on behalf of a person being.

A: Bystander

B: Upstander

C: Protector

B: Upstander


This game company made Pong.

A. Sony

B. Sega

C. Atari


C. Atari


What information about a source is most likely to appear in a bibliography?

A: Author's date of birth

B: Name of Author

C: Quotation from the Author

B: Name of Author


Which of the following would be an example of cyberbullying?

A: Party at Tim's house 8pm tonight

B: I disagree- I like Math

C: Don't tell Rita about Tim's Party

C: Don't tell Rita about Tim's Party


 How is flaming similar to teasing?

A: Both happen only on the Internet

B: Both can hurt people's feelings

C: Both are examples of good Netiquette

B: Both can hurt people's feelings


How do social media platforms target users with ads?

A: Ads are placed on the most prominent parts of your screen

B: Content you post is used to match you to relevant ads

C: The more money you spend in online stores, the more ads you see

D: All of the above

D: All of the above


Clickbait is __________  

A. A website that tracks how many times you click.

B. A tracker that uses your clicks to generate funds for a company

C. A headline that is designed to make you want to click the link, especially when the content is of little value or interest

C. A headline that is designed to make you want to click the link, especially when the content is of little value or interest


What was the most popular game at GMS in 2018?

A: Grand Theft Auto

B: Super Mario

C: Fortnite

C. Fornite    


On its own, which of the following is most likely an example of plagiarism?

A. Consulting an online resource when you write a research paper.

B. Forgetting to put quotation marks around a quote.

C. Paraphrasing the author of a published book

B. Forgetting to put quotation marks around a quote.


Over a few days, you receive a series of insulting texts from someone at school. What action should you take after deleting the first text?

A: Delete any further texts

B: Confront the Bully

C: Show any other texts to a trusted Adult

C: Show any other texts to a trusted Adult


Ask the Audience

Various answers accepted by Mrs. Dawson


Which of these is valuable data for a social media platform to share with advertisers?

A: The photos and comments you post

B: The ads that appear in your feed

C:  The name of your pet

A: The photos and comments you post


                 Ask The Audience 

Team Chooses a member from the audience to answer a question.








What show is baby yoda in?

A: The Return of the Jedi

B: Star Trek, The Search for Spock

C: The Mandalorian

C: The Mandalorian


When someone's work enters the public domain it becomes?

A: Available to everyone to use

B: An expensive contract

C: A pay as you use service

A: Available to everyone to use.


Why would an identity thief most likely want to steal your information?

A: To imitate you in chat rooms and message boards

B: To access your bank accounts, credit cards and other financial resources

C: To send viruses out from your email account

 To access your bank accounts, credit cards and other financial resources.


The best way to respond to trolls is to _____ them.

A: Insult

B: Ignore

C: Threaten

B: Ignore



What might motivate people to post on social media sites?

A: The more you post, the more content you're allowed to see

B: The more you post, the fewer ads you see

C: Posts get feedback, which people naturally crave

C: Posts get feedback, which people naturally crave


What is SPAM?

A. Unwanted e-mail (usually of a commercial nature sent out in bulk)

B. Unwanted mail you get at your house.

C. A Spicy MEET

A. Unwanted e-mail (usually of a commercial nature sent out in bulk)


Name all four ghosts from Pac Man?

A: Grant, Jefferson, Lincoln and Harrison

B: Blinky, Inky, Pinky and Clyde

C: Dopey, Smiley, Bashful and Mac

B: Blinky, Inky, Pinky, and Clyde


What is the main purpose of a copyright?

A: To protect the user of a creative work

B: To protect the buyer of a creative work

C: To protect the creator of a creative work

C: To protect the creator of a creative work


Tommy was in a school bathroom and Doug came in holding up his phone and laughing. Doug took a photo of Tommy and threatened to snapchat it to his friends. Tommy should:

A: Laugh along with Doug

B: Ask Doug not to Snapchat it then tell a trusted adult

C: Take a photo of Doug and Snapchat it to his friends

B: Ask Doug not to Snapchat it then tell a trusted adult


What does the “https://” at the beginning of a URL denote, as opposed to "http://" (without the “s”)?

A: The site is displayed in High Definition

B: The information on the site is encrypted

C: The site is the newest version available

B: The information on the site is encrypted


Posting which of the following is most likely an example of oversharing?

A: A review of a movie you saw

B: A selfie from your Birthday Party

C: A picture of your report card

C: A picture of your report card


You need to create a Password for an App. What advice should you follow?

A: Use your email Password

B: Include your name so you will remember it

C: Use Numbers, Letters and Special characters 

C: Use Numbers, Letters and Special characters


What is an Enderman's weakness?

A: Gold

B: Water

C: Fire

B: Water


All Team members on the opposite team have to eat a JellyBean. If one spits it out then points are automatically awarded to you, if they eat them all, points are awarded to them and they get the next turn.


2 girls created a list of their soccer teammates then ranked them from best to worst. A 3rd girl went into their locker at lunch, took a photo of the list and sent it to all their friends on Snapchat & Instagram.  A boy told the Principal. Who is the Bully in this situation?

A: The boy who told the principal

B: The 2 Girls that created the list

C: All the Girls

C: All the Girls


All Team members on the opposite team have to eat a JellyBean. If one spits it out then points are automatically awarded to you, if they eat them all, points are awarded to them and they get the next turn.


What is true about a post after you delete it?

A: It's erased from the internet

B: It appears in your feed, but no one else's

C: It can still appear in other people's feed

C: It can still appear in other people's feed


Which of the following might be part of a site's Privacy Policy?

A: A promise that the site won't sell your information to other people

B: Information about how to acquire important anti-virus software

C: A software program that protects against spam and malware

A: A promise that the site won't sell your information to other people


 After failing to successfully reach the American market with their earlier games, which company finally hit the mark with "Donkey Kong"?






Which search term will return the most hits?

A: Fred Rogers

B: "Fred Rogers”

C: "Fred Rogers" + "Television"

A: Fred Rogers


Tommy & Sarah were boyfriend and girlfriend. Tommy kept asking Sarah to send him inappropriate photos of her or he would breakup with her. What should Sarah do?

A: Tommy is very popular so she should send him photos

B: Sarah should tell a trusted adult even though she has feelings for Tommy and NOT send photos

C: Sarah should send Tommy photos if he'll send her photos

B: Sarah should tell a trusted adult even though she has feelings for Tommy and NOT send photos


Apps that use Geolocation are safe for anyone to use.


A: Yes, my parents don't care where I am

B: Yes, All of my friends have geolocation on their phones enabled so it's fine.

C: No it allows anyone to locate you which isn't safe.

C: No it allows anyone to locate you which isn't safe.


Privacy settings allow you to control_____________your posts

A: Feedback to

B: Access to

C: Ads next to

B: Access to


What makes phishing attacks so easy to fall for?

A: The happen infrequently

B: They are relatively harmless

C: They use messages that look real

C: They use messages that look real.


Space Invaders, one of the first Video games was released in:






Web pages near the top of search results are generally the most:

A: Relevant to your search

B: Likely to have advertising throughout the information

C: Not updated info

A: Relevant to your search


When is it ok to tell someone your password?

A: If you are best friends

B: if you are boyfriend or girlfriend

C: No one should have your password but you and your parents

C: No one should have your password but you and your parents

Your best friend today may not be your best friend tomorrow!


Apps that allow you to collaborate and chat promote a positive learning environment unless..

A: Students use the feature during other classes to contact friends and interrupt learning.

B: Students create content they then sell

C: Students use the feature at home

A: Students use the feature during other classes to contact friends and interrupt learning.


Which piece of personal information would be most valuable to a malware developer?

A: Your favorite social Media site

B: Your friend's email address

C: Your name

B: Your friend's email address


One of the main goals of malware is to:

A: Discover which websites you visit

B: Prevent you from visiting illegal websites

C: Make online shopping more convenient 

A: Discover which websites you visit


All Team members on the opposite team have to eat a JellyBean. If one spits it out then points are automatically awarded to you, if they eat them all, points are awarded to them and they get the next turn.  



Which strategy is most likely to improve a search engine query?

A: Use a complete sentence

B: Use Proper Punctuation

C: Add more search terms

C: Add more search terms


Ask the Audience

     What should YOU do if this happens to you??

Take a screenshot and show an adult.

Tell a trusted Adult.


Mrs. Dawson's Slogan is: With GREAT Access, Comes _______________

A: Great Power

B: Great Responsibility

C: Great Respect

B: Great Responsibility


Ask the Audience

Team chooses 2 members from the Audience to complete a task.

Various Answers will be accepted.


Mrs. Laviolet's Bulletin Board asks the question "Who is Responsible?"

You are!


Name this Video Game Character?
