It's Lit
Write all About it!
It's Lit 2.0
Final Jeopardy

Repeating identical beginning consonant sounds



Main purpose is to tell a story

What is a narrative


Compares two things directly, without using the words “like” or “as”

What is a metaphor?


The pattern of end rhymes in a poem

What is Rhyme Scheme? 


A literary genre based on fact

What is Non-fiction


The following statement is an example of what?

This is the beginning of the end.

What is a paradox? 


Exaggeration for emphasis or humorous effect



A type of writing designed to influence the reader’s thoughts in some way

What is Persuasive/argumentative


The emotion created by the author’s use of language or by a character’s words and actions

What is Tone?

Examples: Humorous/Ironic/Sentimental/etc.


Tell me the rhyme scheme of the following:

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.






The central character and the one with whom the reader often identifies

What is a Protagonist?


The number of written response on Day one of the EOC.

What is 2?

The first is the RACE response (7-10 sentences)

The Second is the Full Essay (argument or informative)


An author gives hints or clues as to what will happen in a story



An item that asks a question and requires a response constructed by the student, as opposed to selecting from options provided.

What is Constructed response

Worth 2 points on the EOC


When people say one thing but mean the opposite

What is Verbal Irony?


Rhymes that occur at the end of lines of poetry. This is the most common type of rhyme

What are End Rhymes?


The deeper message or central idea of a text. Or the meaning the reader takes away from the text.

What is Theme? 

To identify theme, a reader might ask: Why did the author have this happen? What point of was the author trying to make? What greater significant might this event have?

Theme vs. Topic?: Topic focuses strictly on the content


the main name of rhymes that occur when words include similar, but not identical, sounds. They are also called near rhyme, half rhyme, or off rhyme. Examples are bone and moon or ill and shell.

What is Slant Rhyme?

Emily Dickinson is famous for this.


The fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.


Example: Even happy people are sad sometimes.


A specific type of extended response that elicits a longer, more detailed response

Extended writing response

Worth 4 points on EOC

May be literary or informational

Students will respond to a narrative prompt based on a passage read


When the reader knows something the character doesn’t

What is Dramatic Irony?



What are Words that have similar consonant sounds, but different vowel sounds.

Ex: Chitter and chatter/ Pick and sack/ Spoiled and spilled


Groups of lines poetry is written in

What are Stanzas?

Free form and fixed form:

Fixed form: what most people consider typical poetry. Traditional verse and generally rhymes

Free form: follows no specific guidelines about rhyme, meter, or length. It captures the rhythm of regular speech


The number of days of EOC testing are there for American Lit?

What is Three?

An implied or indirect reference to a person, place, or thing that is mythological, fictitious, historical, or real


Examples: "I was surprised his nose was not growing like Pinocchio’s.”

"Chocolate was her Achilles' heel." (This means that her weakness was her love of chocolate. Achilles is a character in Greek mythology who was thought to be invincible. His mother dipped him in magical water when he was a baby, and she held him by the heel. So his heel was the only part of him not protected by the magic).


Requires the student to produce an argument or develop an informative or expository response.

What is an Extended writing response?

As a part of this, students will first read two passages and then respond to three multiple choice questions and one constructed response

These items will help write extended response by focusing on the main ideas and key details in passages

The extended writing prompt requires students to cite evidence from the passage to support claims and conclusions in the essay.

Worth 7 points


When things happen that are in direct contrast to what we expect (or would like to happen)

What is Situational Irony?


Pilot has a fear of heights.

Fire station burns down.


A narrative poem, often of folk origin, intended to be sung

What is a ballad? 


Form of writing that ridicules or scorns people, practices, or institutions in order to expose their failings.

What is Satire?

In essay writing and RACE responses which type of writing is acceptable? 

a.  I believe the author uses a hopeful tone to convey her message. You can tell by...

b.  The author conveys a hopeful message in her poem...

What is B.  Avoid using the pronouns I, you, my .  Also, don't say "I think" or "I believe" just state it.