Kiss FM (radio station)
Broadcast Media
BBC News
To inform
planing a story
What is Media
Communication using technology
The Sun (Newspaper)
Print Media
Shake it off (song by Taylor Swift)
To entertain
writing lyrics for a song you will record
What are the 3 different types of media?
Print, Broadcast, Online
Twilight (Film)
Broadcast Media
GCSE English exercise book
To educate
recording your song
What is print media?
Paper based media made using print technology
BBC Bitesize (website)
Online media
Encyclopedia (book with facts about everything)
To inform or To Educate
filming your movie after you have planned the story
What are the 3 stages of production?
Pre-production, Production, Post-production
Online Media
TV advert
Listening to your song and making changes so that it sounds better
Watching what you have filmed and fixing any mistakes by filming it again or editing using a computer.
What is the pre-production stage?
where you plan and research