There’s lots of me at Thanksgiving
But you don’t want me to be wasted
Because my meat’s really juicy
Just so long as I have been basted
I’m a plant seen at Christmas
Which people hang above
And then they stand beneath me
And kiss someone they love
an advanced piece of technology, like smartphone
What is the most popular sports in the world?
I am known as a king
The jungle’s where I reign
It is hard to tame me
And I have a large mane
This is a type of green plant
That you will see on display
During March as it is the
Symbol of St Patrick’s Day
the most important program that runs the computer
operating system
What is the hardest part about skydiving?
The ground
I like to use my long tongue
To eat leaves from tops of trees
I don’t have to climb up though
With my long neck it’s a breeze
Its color is a type of purple
And it is a type of flower
It is sometimes the scent of products
That you might use in the shower
Who is a silver surfer?
an old person, who uses the Internet
How do football players stay cool during a game?
They stand next to the fans
Some types slither on the ground
And some can live up in the trees
Adders, vipers and cobras
What kind of animals are these?
This is a type of plant
Which sounds like something in the sky
It is very yellow
And can grow to be ten feet high
What are Wi-Fi hotspots?
a public place where you can access the Internet
What animal is the best at baseball?
a bat
I like to hop around
I’m a tadpole when I’m young
I am green and I croak
And catch flies with my long tongue
I’m sometimes big
And sometimes small
In the autumn
You see me fall
Who is a geek?
someone who is obsessed with technology, especially computers
Why is Cinderella so bad at soccer?
Because she is always running away from the ball