Remain off during class instruction, can be used on breaks and lunch.
What are your cell phones, ipads, and any other electronics brought from home.
Creating a plan that you can carry out successfully.
What is achieve realistic goals?
You can do this with a peer when using a Laptop, pencil, paper, Desktop, or book.
What is shared resources?
Enter classroom quietly, remain seated unless staff has given approval, raise hand with voice off, and be on task.
What is follow classroom procedures as directed?
Listening without talking, not interrupting while others are talking, and ability to repeat information given.
What is active listening?
Not interrupting while others are talking, focusing your attention on what is being said?
What is active listening?
You achieve this by setting a goal to be your best at all times.
What is aspire to high standards?
Using computers as intended, listening to staff, not yelling while others are working, using appropriate language and conversation.
What is respect the learning environment?
All four legs of chair on the floor, facing forward, and hands to self.
What is sit in seat?
Not walking around, keeping hands to self, remaining on task.
What is following expectations?
Not arguing with staff, questioning why, and being on task.
What is following directions?
Turning in assignments and projects by the due date, writing is legible, and all parts are complete.
What is turn quality work in on time?
Sharing ideas, not judging others, team attitude, and helping others.
What is work together in class?
Going to appropriate websites, using writing tools for writing on papers only, and not writing or tearing pages out of books.
What is using items appropriately?
Listening to music, playing violent games, or going to inappropriate websites.
What is a misuse of equipment or not following computer expectations?
Not yelling, and using an inside voice.
What is appropriate volume?
You are asking and answering questions, following expectations, and working on assignment.
What is participate in the learning process?
Having classmates contact information, meet at library for research projects, and meeting in a safe place to study.
What is study together outside of class?
Being in staff sight outside of class, remain seated on bus/van, and staying with class during fire drill.
What is being safe?
Walk in quietly, go directly to assigned seat, and wait for instructions.
What is entering the classroom expectation?
Saying thank you, please, excuse me.
What are manners?
Sharpened pencils, writing paper, tools if needed, and correct book if needed.
What is bring appropriate materials?
Treat others the way you want to be treated by others?
What is the Golden Rule?
Not talking/riding with strangers, not giving out personal information over the phone, and internet.
What is being safe or safe practices?
Raise your hand with voice off, wait patiently for staff to call on you.
What is how to ask staff a question or answer a question?