MS web-based storage site and sharing utility includes office online
illegal and it's stealing someone else's ideas or words and claiming then as your own, this also includes spoken words, multimedia work, and graphics
derived from the words web log - publishing personal information on the web
also known as title page, it's s at the beginning of a report providing the name and author of the document/report
cover page
portable document format captures all elements of a page and stores them electronically and accurately represents all formats including those of graphics and text effects.
PDF format
keeps track of all additions, deletions, and formatting changes made to a document
track changes
information used to supplement your own thoughts when writing some type of research- based paper
Displays the document in the unchanged version.
a citation or note that appears at the end of the document
lists headings in the order they will appear in a document along with page number on which they begin
table of contents
A shape that displays on the right side of a paragraph in which a comment has been made and provides access to the comment.
comment balloon
a list of documents or sources consulted by an author during research for a pape
a citation or note that appears at the bottom of a page
a brief parenthetical (parenthesis) reference placed at the end of a sentence or paragraph
helps you customize how tracked changes are displayed in a document, helps you to review changes and comments that have been made
an alphabetical listing of names and topics along with page numbers where they are discussed, typically at the end of a book or document
when track changes is active, it indicates where a person has made changes to the document
revision marks
displays the document in a final copy without the markup
no markup
All changes and comments are displayed on the document.
all markup
allows you to minimize the clutter of multiple comments and view only those that you choose
simple markup
A database of all citation sources created in Word on a particular computer
master list
includes all citation sources you use in the current document
current list
includes different style manuals used for writing and citing a paper such as MLA (Modern Language Assoc), APA(American Psychological Assoc) and Chicago Manual Style
writing style
when track changes is active, it indicates where a person has made changes to the document
revision marks
A Word feature that shows several people simultaneously editing on online document.
real time co-authoring