What does the research suggest regarding retention?
What is it does not work.
This is the process of making sure that what is taught matches the standards
A. Response to Intervention (RTI)
B. data driven instruction
C. literature circle
D. curriculum alignment
D, What is curriculum alignment
Name one characteristic of the Net Generation
possible answers
The ability to multitask; embrace technology for entertainment and learning; very comfortable with it from a young age
What does STEAM represent?
Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math
Whatn is multi cultural infusion
Infusing multiculturalism into your daily activities and practices
This is a plan for meeting an exceptional learner's educational needs, specifying goals, objectives, services, and procedures for progress
A. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
B. Least restrictive enviroment(LRE)
C. Individualized Education Plan(IEP)
D. full inclusion
E. All of the above
C. Individualized Education Plan(IEP)
This is a collaborative, interactive reading process between teacher and children in which they read and share a book?
What is shared reading
Two ways you can support struggling readers
Possible answers
screen students for reading problems;differentiate reading instruction; intensive systematic instruction, monitor the progress of RTI(Tier II students);select books on topics they are interested in.
This is the ability to use digital media for speaking, listening, reading, and writing
A, assistive literacy
B. technological literacy
C. digital literacy
D. coding
What is digital literacy
How will you incorporate STEAM activities into your classroom?
Possibilities are endless
What is one activity or practise from the video of the culturally responsive teacher that you are concidering incorporating into your own classroom?
Possible answers: Bottoms up/Heads together: Action Thermometer; Call and Response; multicultural literature; music and movement
Why have ELL's been frequently and inappropriately placed in special education
Based on test that actually measure their language acquisition rather than their learning abilities.
Give an example of the language experience
What is writing about a field trip or a field day
How can you get girls involved in Science?
Possible answers:
Make sure all students have equal access to science materials and are involved in activities; Encourage them to record research in a science journal;Invite female scientists in as guest speakers.
How can you incorporate technology in the classroom and still have social interaction?
Possible answers:
have students work on projects in pairs/small groups; provide opportunities for students to discuss their projects; invite guest spaekers to share how they use technology in their careers( e.g., meteorologist, geologist)
Classroom rules or expectations should
A. involve students in the developing of classroom expectations
B. develop classroom rules from the first day of class
C. expectations should be fair resonable and appropriate to children's age
D. all of the above
D. all of the above
Give two examples of being a culturally responsive teacher
Possible answers:integrate children's cultures in the classroom daily; accomodate children's learning styles; connect lesson and activities to children's everyday life; involve parents; use children's background knowledge and experiences as a springboard for new learning
How can you make inclusion work in your classroom?
Possible answers;understand students and their needs; develop instructional techniques; manage the classroom enviroment; collaborate with other professionals and parents
How has kindergarten become more rigorous
What is longer school days, an escalated curriculum and more time focused on academics
What are some essential 21st century skills?
Critical thinking; creativity, collaboration, communication; use of technology to solve problems effectively.
What is the benefits of assisstive technology?
Possible answers:
permits children with special needs to use and enjoy knowledge, skills, and behaviors that might otherwise be inaccessible to them; changes people's attitudes about children with disabilities.
Problems with spanking:
A. distroys a child's sense of security
B. increases the risk of physical injury
C. models for children that hitting is appropriate
D. all of the above
D. all of the above
How can you supprt English Language Learners (ELLs)?
Possible answers; get to know your students and their families; draw on your children's background and knowledge; use of concrete materials;model, show, and tell; integrate technology; preteach vocabulary; emphasize vocabulary across content areas; graphic organizers; wait time; thematic units
What are some interventions for a child with autism
Possible answers: music, art, occupational therapy, assistive technology, robots, anima- assisted therapy.
How can you incorporate the arts across the curriculum? Give one example for Reading, Math, SS, and Science
Possible answers:
Reading-acting out stories
Math-use art materials to create a pattern
Science-paint the life cycle of a butterfly
Social Studies-reenact a historical event
What is one strategy for supporting students in each of the following content areas? math, science, and social studies?
Possible answers:math-use children's literature(for all content areas); science-inquiry based learning; use of the science fair to promote STEAM; SS-projects; visiting museums, using artifacts; current events, role play,, making videos
What are some benefits of using technology for assessments?
Possible answers:
more accurate assessment results; less time spent preparing assessment materials; less time administering the assessment; more cost effective; provides immediate feedback, results are easy to interpret and share with steakholders; can differentiate instruction with greater ease.
Name three of the ten steps for guiding behavior?
a. arrange and modify the enviroment f. help children build new behaviors
b. establish appropriate expectations g. empower children
c. model appropriate behavior h. meet children's needs
d. guide the whole child i. use praise and encouragement
e.know and use DAP j. develop a partnership with parents, families and other
f. meet children's needs
In thinking about fostering cultural awareness, what are some questions you can ask yourself to assess your attitudes toward children
Possible answers; Do you believe that all children can and will learn? Are you willing to spend the time and effort necessary to help each child learn? Are you willing to teach children individuallyaccording to their cultural and individual learning styles.
What are some classroom accomodations for a child with Attention Deficit Hypersensitivity Disorder(ADHD)
Possible answers: assignment notebooks; color coded folders; daily schedules(tapped to the desk); give praise immediately;seat the child next to you;provide the low-distraction work areas.