What are normally the colours for regulatory signs?
red/white black/white black/white/red
this sign is black adn white with a large arrow
one way sign
What is the color(s) of a yeild sign
red and white
In work zones you can be fined and extra cost, how much is this cost?
What is the purpose of a roundabout
to increase traffic flow safely
true or false you dont need to yeild when you are the only one at an intersection
what is/are the color(s) of a rest stop
this sign is shown when there is a hospital up ahead. What color is it and what symbol do you see on it?
you will see a big white H and it is blue
When do you have to obey hand signals instead of the normal traffic signals or pavement markings
when a traffic officer is present
a solid yellow lines means what is not allowed on this side of the road?
What are often added near intersections to seperate turning traffic from through traffic
white lines
what is/are the color(s) of a railroad crossing sign
black and white
What is the only sign in the shape of a pennent?
no passing zone
solid white lines mark?
crosswalks, stoplines at intersections, the edges of a roadway, and parking stalls
the only sign that is in the shape of a triangle (pointed up with the corners cut off) is what?
slow moving vehicle emblem
short thick white lines mean?
the lane will end
what color of dashed line indicates you are on a one way
what sign is in the shape of a diamond and displays a stop light?
traffic signal ahead
what does a solid yellow line mean?
passing is prohibited
the deer crossing sign is what shape?
What is typically the color of a street sign?
grren and white
what color is the pedestrian crossing sign?
black and yellow
This sign displays a truck heading downhill, what is this sign?
steep decline ahead
The person on what side has the right of way at a 4-way stop?
the person on the right
This sign is at the edge of the road before heading onto a busier roadway
stop sign