time before recorded history
What is Pre-history?
land between two rivers.
What is Mesopotamia?
The river which Egyptian civilization depended on
What was the Nile?
Led the Hebrews out of Egypt
Who was Moses?
With one serpent, the rod os asclepius can be confused with the caduceus, a twin-serpent symbol of peace and herding belonging to this messenger
Who was Hermes?
This word referring to stern discipline comes from a city-state in ancient Greece
What is spartan?
This is the greek word for people who are non-greeks
What is barbarians?
This nymph was punished by Hera to only repeat what she heard
Who was Echo?
a first hand account of an event
What is a primary source?
the two rivers that border Mesopotamia
What are the Tigris and Euphrates?
Tensions exists between Egypt and the British museum over the return of this, taken from Egypt in 1801
What was the Rosetta Stone?
The Pharaoh during the time of Moses
Who was Rameses?
The titular character of the first story ever recorded
Who was Gilgamesh?
Actual Jeopardy ?
An Ostrikan was a piece of pottery with a name on it; if your name was on enough ostrika, you got this punishment for a 10-year period
What was ostracism?
his name means surrounded by glory
who is Pericles?
Real Jeopardy ?
Actaeon pays a "deer" price for spying on this twin sister of Apollo while bathing
Who is Artemis
object which tells of the past
What is an artifact?
the world's first civilization
What is Sumer?
kept order among the people in Egypt and allowed for it's empire to last for over 3,000 years
What is the Social Pyramid
The promise land or the land of milk and honey
What is Canaan?
The dead Egyptian God
Who was Osiris?
Real Jeopardy ?
We can give you 300 reasons you should know this king of Sparta who headed the Persians off at the pass in 480 B.C.
Who was Leonidas?
this word means someone who loves to think
what is philosopher?
Real Jeopardy ?
Antonio Carava made a famous Greek sculpture of this Greek hero, sword in one hand and gorgon head in the other.
Who was Perseus?
a lifestyle which follows a resource to meet basic needs
What is nomadic?
Mesopotamian places of worship like the Temple of Etemenanki in Babylon that inspired the biblical Tower of Babel
What are ziggurats?
Legend says that Pharaoh Psamtik III sacrifieced his kingdom rather than fight when his foes brought these sacred animals, maus, into battle
What are cats?
Hebrews 6 says that when God made a promise to this patriarch, "because he could swear by no greater, he swore by himself"
Who was Abraham?
Utnapishtim tells this Sumerian hero about how he and his ark survived the great flood
Who was Gilgamesh?
What was the battle of Salamis?
this word for self-love comes from a character in Greek mythology
What is narcissism?
Real Jeopardy ?
This Greek god of wine couldn't always jold his wine--Rhea gave him an amethyst to keep him from getting too drunk
Who is Dionysus?
the manipulating of land to grow crops
What is cultivation?
Mesopotamians constructed their public buildings, homes and walls out of this material
What is mud-brick?
location of the great pyramids
Where is Giza?
It took Moses this duration of time to get the hebrews from Egypt back to the promise land
What is 40 years?
The Egyptian falcon god
Who was Horus?
Plato was one of the first authors to depict a trial--this Greek's trial after the Peloponnesian war, in the Apology
Who was Socrates?
This main ingredient in the writing part of a pencil comes from the Greek word meaning "to write"
what is graphite?
Second Epic poem written by Homer
What was the Odyssey?
the supply of water to land or crops to help growth
What is irrigation?
ACTUAL JEOPARDY ? . . Written in cuneiform in Ur, this oldest language was an isolate.
What is Sumerian?
Northern neighbor of the Egyptians that introduced the horse to them
Who were the Hyksos?
first five books of the Old Testament, means to teach in hebrew
What is the Torah?
harmony and balance
What is Ma'at?
According to Herodotus, a messenger was sent 150 miles from Athens to Sparta, just befofe this 490 B.C. battle
What was the battle of Marathon?
the english word for paper comes from this Egyptian word for the same thing
what is papyrus?
Laocoon, a priest of Apollo, meant this object when said, "I fear the Greeks, especially when they bring gifts."
What is a horse? or the Trojan horse?
This discovery after the end of the last ice age led to the end of nomadic lifestyle and was arguably the spark that started civilization
What is grain?
This ruler imposed a new law code based off of a basic principal "eye for and eye, tooth for a tooth"
Who was Hammurabi?
Once part of Thebes, this valley was the burial site of many Egyptian pharaohs of the 18th, 19th, and 20th dynasties
What is the Valley of the kings?
The ten commandments were kept in this special container
What is the Arc of the Covenant?
Egyptian sun god, king of the gods
Who was Amun Ra/Re
This tippy-top area of Athens employed wells and cisterns
What is the Acropolis?
this word comes from a Greek who was eternally teased
What is tantalize
Italy's 10 cent coin has a detail from Boticelli's "The Birth of" her
Who is Venus?
These peoples discovered grain in the Jordan River Valley
Who were the Natufians?
He was the greatest ruler of the Babylonian empire and is given credit for commissioning the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, also Kanye West is making an Opera titled after him
Who was Nebuchadnezzar?
Also known as Amenhotep the IV, this pharaoh is famous for downplaying the tradition polytheistic beliefs of Egypt and promoting more monotheistic practices
Who is Akhenaten?
If you visit Egypt, go to a bird garden to see the national bird, a rosefinch named for its habitat on this biblical peak
what is Mt. Sinai?
Rubens painted several versions of "The Judgement of" him
Who is Paris?
This civilization was discovered by Schliemann and Evans
What is Minoan Crete/Mycenae?
this word means wedge shaped in ancient Sumerian
what is cuneiform?
A famous and tragic character in Greek folklore, Oedipus solves the riddle of this Egyptian based monster
What is the sphinx?
burning land to fertilize the soil for new growth
What is fire stick farming?
Real Jeopardy ?
If the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were still around today you would travel to this modern day country to visit them.
What is Iraq?
It looks suspicious that Ay became pharaoh upon the mysterious death of this teenage monarch
Who was King Tut?
son of Abraham who was almost sacrificed
Who is Isaac?
This ancient poem contains epic fights between Menelaus and Paris as well as Achilles and Hector
What is the Iliad?
You could call Cyrus the younger, son of Darius II by this title, also the name of a popular video game series.
What is Xerxes?
Akkadian ruler who changed his name to "true king" and everyone was like "Okay, that sounds good!"
Who was Sargon of Akkad?
After her marriage to Jason goes south, this sorceress weds King Aegeus of Athens
Who was Madea?