Force & Motion 1
Force & Motion 2

Picking up a heavy box is much more difficult than putting it down. What is a likely explanation for this?

A Pushing force is more difficult to accomplish than pulling force.

B The force of gravity acts against you when you try to push something to the ground.

C The action is less difficult because nothing is pulling the object toward the ground.

D The force of gravity is pulling the box toward the ground which makes the action of putting the box down easier to do.

What is D The force of gravity is pulling the box toward the ground which makes the action of putting the box down easier to do


Students are conducting an investigation on the effect of gravity on falling objects. They are taking turns standing on a ladder and dropping two objects from the same height. Which practice would be best for students to demonstrate?

F Using materials appropriately 

G Wearing gloves

H Washing hands

J Wearing safety goggles

What is F Using materials appropriately 


A teacher did a demonstration for her class. She found the mass of a baseball and a crumpled piece of paper. She then held both at a height of 1 meter above the table top. She dropped both at the same time. The students wrote about the demonstration, shown on the journal pages in the illustration below.

Which student has written a testable hypothesis?

What is Allison


Picking up a heavy box is more difficult than putting it down. What force is having an effect

on the box?

A A pushing force is acting on the box when it is picked up.

B The magnetic force in the Earth's crust is pulling on the box which makes the action of putting the box down easier to do.

C The putting the box down is less difficult because no forces are pulling the box toward the ground.

D The force of gravity is pulling on the box which makes the action of putting the box down easier to do.

What is D The force of gravity is pulling on the box which makes the action of putting the box down easier to do.


Some students were investigating which surfaces would allow a ball to roll the farthest.

Which of the following would be essential in their investigation?

A Stopwatch, meter stick, calculator, soccer ball, 41⁄2-foot–tall student

B Grassy field, gym floor, concrete sidewalk, soccer ball, meter stick

C Soccer ball, bowling ball, beach ball, stopwatch, meter stick

D 4-foot-tall student, 4 1/2-foot-tall student, 5-foot-tall student, soccer ball, meter stick

What is B Grassy field, gym floor, concrete sidewalk, soccer ball, meter stick


A student wanted to test the effect of friction on a toy car rolling down a ramp. She has constructed the ramp with five lanes, each covered with a textured material.

She rolled a toy cart down each lane and used a timing device to measure the length of time it took the cart to reach the end of the ramp. Her results are shown in the chart below.

What other information would improve the design of this experiment?

F Include a testable hypothesis, a picture of the set-up, and observations.

G Include the control, how to recycle the materials, and a testable hypothesis.

H Include measurements from repeated trials, a testable hypothesis, and the control.

J Include how to recycle the materials, more measurements, and a testable hypothesis.

What is H Include measurements from repeated trials, a testable hypothesis, and the control.


Two students designed an experiment to test the effects of force on an object. They stood on opposite sides of a large box and then they applied a push to the box. The box was moving to the right.

What can be said about the effect of the force being applied by the student on the left?

F The force of magnetism was greater on the left so the box moved to the right.

G The pull of gravity was greater on the right so the box moved to the right.

H The pushing force was greater on the left so the box moved to the right.

J The force of friction was less on the left so the box moved to the right.

What is H The pushing force was greater on the left so the box moved to the right.


Which question about the effect of force on an object could be answered by conducting a classroom experiment?

A What type of surface produces the most friction?

B How does gravity affect the movement of comets?

C What evidence supports the theory of black holes?

D How does air resistance cause airplane failure?

What is A What type of surface produces the most friction?


A student drew a maze on a piece of cardboard. He challenged another student to maneuver a paperclip successfully through the maze by moving a magnet under the cardboard.

What force was the student demonstrating?

A The insulating property of cardboard

B The attractive force of magnetism

C The pulling force of gravity

D The resisting property of friction

What is B The attractive force of magnetism


Which athlete is best attempting to increase friction in order to move more efficiently?

What is athlete G