Major Events & Experiences
Quotable Quotes
Traits & Values
Leadership Awareness

In their spare time, this generation could be found using the following iconic technologies: -VCR -Walkman -IBM PC -Atari -Nintendo

What is Generation X

This generation was raised with technology, experienced the end of the Cold War, and witnessed the Challenger disaster.
What is Generation X
This generation would have heard this famous quote on the radio: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
What is Traditionalists
-Informal -Technologically savvy -Opinionated -Confident -Optimistic -Civic Minded -Networked -Ambitious -Multitasking -Looking to make a Contribution
What is Millennials
When recruiting this generation, your message should be: "You can be a star here, your personal growth is important to us."
What is Baby Boomers
This generation's NetFlix movie queue might include: -Easy Rider -The Graduate -Jaws
What is Baby Boomers
This generation lived through the Depression, the New Deal, World War II and the Korean War.
What is Traditionalists
This generation would have been in school when this quote was uttered: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your county."
What is Baby Boomers
-Independent -Results driven -Value work-life balance -Family focused
What is Generation X
When it comes to training and development, this generation learned things the hard way. Their career goals are focused on building a legacy.
What is Traditionalists
This generation could be found skating in rollerblades with torn jeans and hyper color t-shirts.
What is Generation X
The Vietnam War, Watergate and living in suburbia influenced this generation.
What is Baby Boomers
This generation would have been influenced in their youth by this quote: "Greed is good."
What is Generation X
-Hard working -Compliant -Dedicated -Loyalty and Seniority are important
What is Traditionalists
This generation responds best to frequent and clear feedback. They are searching for meaningful work and like immediate gratification. They see titles having medium importance and are motivated by challenges and reaching goals.
What is Millenials
When they are not texting or chatting online, this generation might be watching videos on YouTube or posting how tasty the third bite of their sandwich is on Twitter.
What is Millennials
This generation watched the following tragedies and aftermath unfold live on TV: -Columbine School Shootings -Oklaholma City Bombing -9/11 -OJ Simpson Car Chase
What is Millennials
A member of this generation uttered these words - perhaps fueling the suspicion of authority of an entire generation: "I am not a crook!"
What is Traditionalists
-Personal Growth -"Work to Live" -Equality -Driven to succeed
What is Baby Boomers
This generation only works as hard as needed. "Work smarter, not harder." They have a clear focus on maintaining a balance between home and work.
What is Generation X
This generation would remember "Goodnight Chet. Goodnight David. And goodnight NBC News." as the signoff from legendary broadcasters Chet Huntley and David Brinkley.
What is Traditionalists
This generation's experiences included busy schedules, being coddled, being told how special they are, and were rewarded for simply participating. All obstacles and potential negative experiences were eliminated.
What is Millennials
This quote was played and replayed ad nauseam when this generation was in their impressionable youth: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
What is Millennials
This generation needs supervision and structure. They are inexperienced, but have a distaste for menial work. This generation responds poorly to whose who act in an authoritarian manner.
What is Millennials
This generation is behind on retirement savings and needs to keep working. They will continue to be staples in the workforce. They expect to working longer and plan to work part-time.
What is Baby Boomers