Document Analysis
Tool Marks

When a document has been exposed to fire or excessive heat it becomes dark and brittle. This is known as a __________________?

Charred Document


Someone's walking habit is known as their ______.



A mark or impression made by a tool when it is pressed against a softer surface is a(n) __________.



What is the statistical breakdown of the 3 main fingerprint patterns?

Loops: 65%

Whorls: 30%

Arches: 5%


At what age range do most people develop their 3rd molar?



Name and describe one of the 12 handwriting traits

Answers Vary

Define Dentition Pattern

The individual pattern made by a set of teeth


What are the 3 types of tool marks?



Cutting Marks


When are fingerprints formed?

Begin formation around the 10th week of pregnancy

What chemical is used to make a blood visible even after it has been cleaned up?



What is the difference between obliteration and erasure?

Smearing over or blotting out the original text on a document is considered obliteration.

Using abrasive instruments or chemicals to remove the writing is erasure.


What is the difference between enamel and dentin?

Enamel - hard outer covering that protects the tooth

Dentin - similar in composition to bone and is made of calcium and phosphorus (when we don't get enough calcium at a young age, our teeth can rot when we're older)


What is the purpose of rifling?

Rifling is when the barrel of a firearm has spiral grooves. It is used to spin the bullet and therefore stabilize it as it flies through the air.


What are the regional and federal fingerprint databases called? Give me the name and the acronym.

In your answer be sure to indicate which is regional and which is federal.

Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) - Regional

Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) - Federal


What is the difference between wheelbase and track width?

Wheelbase measure the car from the center of the front axle to the center of the back axle.

Track width measures how wide the vehicle's axles are.


What is the difference between and exemplar and a questioned document?

Exemplar - authentic/original handwriting sample

Questioned Document - a document that is part of an investigation

Name the 3 types of tire marks discussed in class and then describe what those marks can tell us. 

Skid - Can tell us how fast someone was going when they applied their brakes.

Yaw - Can tell us the person was traveling too fast around a curve and lost control of their vehicle

Tire Scrub - Can tell us where an impact occurred


A hammer can be considered either class or individual evidence. 

Describe how a hammer can be considered individual evidence. Describe how a hammer can be considered class evidence.

Brand new off the shelf, the hammer is considered class evidence because it is just like all the other hammers on the shelf.

As the hammer is used, small scuffs and marks become present on the hammer. Those unique marks vary for every hammer because everyone uses their hammer differently.


What is the difference between an ulnar and radial loop? Use your marker to draw the radial and ulnar loops on one of your team members.

Ulnar loops have an opening that open/point toward the pinky finger.

Radial loops open up to the thumb.


What is the Misinformation Effect and how might it affect a criminal investigation?

When you are asking someone to recall something from memory and you lace false details into those questions. This may cause someone to remember something that wasn't actually there.


List the 12 handwriting traits.

Line Quality, Spacing, Size Consistency, Continuous, Connecting Letters, Letters Complete, Cursive & Printed Letters, Pen Pressure, Slant, Line Habits, Fancy Curls & Loops, Placement of Dots & Crosses


Name & describe the 3 types of impressions and how to analyze them.

Latent (invisible) - Dusting then photography, followed by electrostatic or gel lifting

Patent (2D, visible) - Photograph impressions

Plastic (3D) - Take pictures, create a cast


Define and provide an example of each of the 3 types of tool marks.

Abrasions - when 2 surfaces slide past each other

Indentation - when a tool is pressed against a softer surface

Cutting - marks produced along the edge of a surface as it is cut


What are the 3 main fingerprint patterns?

What are the two ways used to describe each of those 3 patterns?

Loops: ridgelines enter and exit from the same side, 1 delta

Whorls: circular pattern, 2 deltas

Arches: ridgelines enter and exit from opposite sides, look like hills/mountains


What are the 7S's in order?

  1. Securing the Crime Scene
  2. Separating the Witnesses
  3. Scanning the Scene
  4. Seeing the Scene
  5. Sketching the Scene
  6. Searching for Evidence
  7. Securing and Collecting Evidence