Pro-Life 101
Pro-Life 201
Fetal Development
Stem Cell Research
NC Abortions

This abortion argument argues for the cases of deformity, rape or incest.

What are the hard cases?


This form of Euthanasia occurs when a person is killed without their consent.

What is Involuntary Euthanasia?


Eyes, legs and hands begin to develop. Brain waves are detectable; mouth and lips are present; fingernails are forming.

What is 5-6 Weeks?


In this type of stem cell research, scientists extract stem cells from embryos, killing them.

What is embryonic stem cell research?


The greatest reported number of abortions in NC, both by occurrence and residency, is this county or city.

What is Mecklenburg County? or What is Charlotte?


Life begins at this precise moment.

What is Conception/ Fertilization?


This form of Euthanasia occurs when a person is killed in spite of the person wishes.

What is Non-Voluntary Euthanasia?


The unborn child has a skeletal structure, nerves and circulation. He has all of the parts necessary to experience pain, including nerves, spinal cord, and thalamus. Vocal cords are complete.  He can suck his thumb

What is 11-12 Weeks?


This number of diseases and disabilities have been cured or treated successfully by embryonic stem cell research.

What is 0?


This number of reported abortions occurred in North Carolina 2016.

What are 27,138 abortions?


This organ is functioning by 18-21 days

What is the heart?


This abortion argument attacks the speaker.

What is the Ad Hominem argument? Or What do they throw at you when all other arguments have been exhausted?


At this age, the unborn child's heart pumps several quarts of blood through his body every day. He has developed adult taste buds.

What is 14-15 Weeks?


This type of stem cell research does not require intentional killing of unborn children.

What is Adult Stem Cell Research /iPSCs?


According to NC state stats, at least this many abortions were D&E abortions (known as dismemberment abortions) in 2016.

What are 3,746 abortions?


This growing number represents the babies who have been aborted, since 1973.

What is 60 (59) million?


This chemical in the form of a pill, available in the US since the year 2000, is designed to cause an abortion

What is RU-486?


By the 20th week, the unborn baby is able to respond to this _______ (and later becomes a giant ______ in the neck to his siblings)

What is pain?


This scientist is a leader who discovered a strand of embryonic cells in 1998.

Who is James A. Thomson?


In this abortion procedure, the mother's cervix is dilated and the abortionist uses a sharp instrument to cut off the limbs of the child. Then he uses suction devices and forceps to extract the unborn baby, piece by piece.

What is Dismemberment (D&E) Abortions?


This abortion argument argues for the cases of “unwanted” children and population.

What is every child a wanted child?


This form of Euthanasia occurs when no care is provided, causing the death of the patient.

What is passive euthanasia?


The unborn child spend the next few days traveling down the Fallopian tube. During this time, he divides, forming into a ball of cells called a blastocyst. By the end of week four, he is ten thousand times larger than he was a fertilized egg.

What is 3-4 Weeks?


This procedure uses an unfertilized egg and removes the egg nucleus, replacing it with the nucleus of an adult stem cell.

What is Human Cloning?


Approximately this number of mothers between the ages of 30-34 had an abortion in NC in 2016.

What are 3,985 mothers?